Joe Scarborough Portrayed Cynthia McKinney As Crazy, So I Made A Movie - Video Inside


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Joe Scarborough Portrayed Cynthia McKinney As Crazy, So I Made A Movie

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Hey Joe. Cynthia McKinney has done more for the people of this country than ANY of your friends on the "Hill". Portraying her as crazy considering the awful truths she has unveiled to the public, shows just how much professionalism you lack, and how little you know about journalism.

I will miss Cynthia McKinney in Washington D.C. As will the rest of this country.

Today is a sad day.
Scarborough is nothing more than a dirty mouthpiece for the fat fucks who line his fat pockets.

When change needs to be made in the mainstream t.v. media, yelling at the mouthpiece is an approach that will certainly lead to dissapointment.

The only way to do it is by getting at the under infrastructure, and sadly the only way to really do that and make change you've got to have some serious money and/or serious connections.

In the meantime, we keep directing our anger towards these talking heads and that's just the way the puppeteers want it.
The same obviously applies to the highest office in the land as well.
I think the hit peice was dirty too, but honestly...Cynthia is way too erratic and edgy to represent 9/11 Truth.

And I always say, the establishment can't attack you unless you give them something to use against you (other than the common words like moonbat, and tin foil hat). Once she hit that was open season on her reputation. Though, there could be more to the story that the media just isn't covering.