Iraq Weapons - Made In Iran?


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Iraq Weapons -- Made in Iran?
Intelligence Officials Say Weapons Responsible for Increasing U.S. Deaths in Iraq

(Gold9472: Possible propaganda? If this is true, the argument can be made that a military strike against Iran is justified because they are already actively involved in the Iraq War, against the United States.)


March 6, 2006 — U.S. military and intelligence officials tell ABC News that they have caught shipments of deadly new bombs at the Iran-Iraq border.

They are a very nasty piece of business, capable of penetrating U.S. troops' strongest armor.

What the United States says links them to Iran are tell-tale manufacturing signatures — certain types of machine-shop welds and material indicating they are built by the same bomb factory.

"The signature is the same because they are exactly the same in production," says explosives expert Kevin Barry. "So it's the same make and model."

U.S. officials say roadside bomb attacks against American forces in Iraq have become much more deadly as more and more of the Iran-designed and Iran-produced bombs have been smuggled in from the country since last October.

"I think the evidence is strong that the Iranian government is making these IEDs, and the Iranian government is sending them across the border and they are killing U.S. troops once they get there," says Richard Clarke, former White House counterterrorism chief and an ABC News consultant. "I think it's very hard to escape the conclusion that, in all probability, the Iranian government is knowingly killing U.S. troops."

'Very Lethal'
U.S. intelligence officials say Iran is using the bombs as a way to drive up U.S. casualties in Iraq but without provoking a direct confrontation.

John Negroponte, director of national intelligence, testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Februrary 2, saying, "Tehran's intention to inflict pain on the United States and Iraq has been constrained by its caution to avoid giving Washington an excuse to attack it."

The U.S. Army has embarked on a crash effort to find ways to stop the bombs, according to an unclassified report issued last month. The devices are easily hidden and detonated by motion detectors — like those used in garden security lights — that cannot be jammed.

When exploded, the copper disc becomes a molten liquid bullet that can penetrate the thickest armor the United States has.

"They penetrate the armor of an M1 Abrams tank," Clarke says. "They're shape charges. They go through anything, and they are very lethal."

There is currently no real defense against the weapons, he says.

"The Pentagon has a major crash study underway to figure out how to stop them," Clarke says, "but they haven't figured it out yet."
However... if they use that argument, the counter-argument is... WE'RE NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE IN IRAQ!!!
I wonder how long they've been sitting on this info? Just like Osama putting a tape out a couple of days before the election.
beltman713 said:
I wonder how long they've been sitting on this info? Just like Osama putting a tape out a couple of days before the election.

This has been an ongoing story/rumor...
Yeah, but they pull it out now with their rumored plans to strike Iran just days away.
beltman713 said:
Yeah, but they pull it out now with their rumored plans to strike Iran just days away.

Where did you here this!?!?!?!?!? And if true, whoever said they were gonna attack in March was right on.
PhilosophyGenius said:
Where did you here this!?!?!?!?!? And if true, whoever said they were gonna attack in March was right on.

I said it bitch...

This is the second time I've had to post this today...

Snagged from...

March 20th, 2006. The date when Iran is supposed to change over to the Euro. Weren't there reports that Israel was planning on striking Iran in March?

"Israel says Tehran will by March have the know-how to make a nuclear bomb and may be able to produce one within three years. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has said global pressure to halt Iran's nuclear program should continue."

"Israel's armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed."

"Israeli officials have said that, unless stopped, Iran will achieve the know-how to build a bomb by March next year. Independent estimates have put Iran years away from such a capability."

"The prime minister was speaking a day after his Military Intelligence chief advised the government that if anything was to be done to stop the Iranians, it would have to happen before next March, or would be too late."

Seems like whatever's going to happen, is going to happen either before or during March, 2006.

Of course, as we already know, Iran already has the technology for a bomb. The CIA gave it to them. Probably through AQ Khan. Of course, that's just a theory.

I thought a "major U.S. Intelligence Review" said Iran was 10 years away from making a nuclear bomb?

Oh well. At least we know the real reason for wanting to bomb Iran, and it has nothing to do with nukes.
"Seems like whatever's going to happen, is going to happen either before or during March, 2006."

Yes, so it is not a coincidence that this story about Iran making bombs and sending them to Iraq is coming out now. I think we will see more of these stories coming out over the next few days. Got to get the public pumped up so that an attack on Iran will be acceptable.
beltman713 said:
Yes, so it is not a coincidence that this story about Iran making bombs and sending them to Iraq is coming out now. I think we will see more of these stories coming out over the next few days. Got to get the public pumped up so that an attack on Iran will be acceptable.

I certainly didn't expect it...
Meaning they have been sitting on this bit of info until it would be most useful to them.
Next they will say that Iran was responsible for the mosque bombing. Conclusive evidence.
Would these be the same bombs as these ones?

And it'd be pretty hard, even for the Bushies, to claim that Iran had a role in the bombing of one of the holiest shrines in Shia Islam.
Ariel Sharon predicted a March attack. He was also right on for the Iraq war invasion timetable.