Iran Calls For Bush Poll Apology


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Iran calls for Bush poll apology

Iran has called on US President George W Bush to apologise for criticising last week's presidential election.

Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi said the high voter turnout discredited Mr Bush's allegations that the election was undemocratic.

In a surprise result, the hardline mayor of Tehran is to face a veteran former president in a run-off.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will fight pragmatist Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in a second round on Friday.

Mr Rafsanjani had been expected to do well, but few predicted Mr Ahmadinejad would beat his rival, correspondents say.

Bush 'disgraced'
A day before last Friday's vote, President Bush denounced the election as a sham.

He said the polls ignored "basic democratic standards" and was a further example of what he called the regime's "oppressive record".

(Gold9472: He is completely delusional and should be removed immediately. Our election was no better.)

Mr Kharrazi said Americans should "wake up from their sleep and correct their position towards Iran and apologise".

But he said Mr Bush's remarks motivated people to vote.

"Bush's statement helped those people who did not want to vote to come forward to vote," he said, adding the US would be "disgraced by the big participation".

Officials said about 62% of the electorate cast their ballot.

The US broke off relations with Iran following the 1980 Iranian revolution and Washington has branded Tehran part of what it called an "axis of evil".

Mr Rafsanjani has called for a "new chapter" in US-Iranian relations, but Mr Ahmadinejad has said restoring ties with the US will not solve Iran's problems

Meanwhile, a second defeated contender has claimed the poll was flawed by voting irregularities.

Mostafa Moin's spokeswoman, Elaheh Koulai, accused Islamist militias of interference, AFP news agency reported.

On Saturday, former parliament speaker Mehdi Karroubi claimed the poll was subjected to "bizarre interference" and that money had changed hands to influence the outcome.
(Gold9472: He is completely delusional and should be removed immediately. Our election was no better.)

I agree... how many voting machine problems did we have? this is a hypocritical statement..... which reminds me... people are so stupid... why don't they listen to what they say...