Interesting CNN Polls


Staff member
Interesting CNN Polls

First, there's today's poll...


Then, there's a poll that was taken on November 10th, 2004...


So what does this mean? It could mean one of two things. Either the people believe one thing, and the Government, who serves the people, believes another, or someone manipulated the polls.

What do you think it means?
Here's some bullshit. Sen. McCain was on Letterman last night, and when Letterman asked about how Bush surrounded himself with oil men and they don't give a damn about the American people (something like that), Letterman only got a small applause from the New York audience. But when McCain said how Bush was an honest man and such, the whole place applauded. I was like "Is that in New York?"
It wouldn't surprise me if the room was filled with pro-Bush people. They do it at every Bush event.
Oh yeah, like McCain's guys made sure the audience was republican like how Bush does.
Gold9472 said:
Interesting CNN Polls

First, there's today's poll...


Then, there's a poll that was taken on November 10th, 2004...


So what does this mean? It could mean one of two things. Either the people believe one thing, and the Government, who serves the people, believes another, or someone manipulated the polls.

What do you think it means?

I think that truthers flock to the internet way more than others do and when one person in the movement talks about it, the others follow. when i heard about the poll, i went out and voted in my belief...but i know my parents didn't, my sis, her husband, any of my friends didn't.......if i counted all the people that are close to me and counted as a percentage those who believe the official bullshit and those that question it....the percentage is EVEN more grotuesque...that is, i am 1 out of a 100. take that and extrapolate that over the entire US...not very good.

either i'm shielded in liberal loony San Fran bay area...or most people just don't want to know, regardless of political affiliation.

in the 2+ years of my red pill swallowing, i've converted 3, maybe 4....but i've put it into the heads of everyone, so maybe with time things will get better.
rayrayjones said:
I think that truthers flock to the internet way more than others do and when one person in the movement talks about it, the others follow. when i heard about the poll, i went out and voted in my belief...but i know my parents didn't, my sis, her husband, any of my friends didn't.......if i counted all the people that are close to me and counted as a percentage those who believe the official bullshit and those that question it....the percentage is EVEN more grotuesque...that is, i am 1 out of a 100. take that and extrapolate that over the entire US...not very good.

either i'm shielded in liberal loony San Fran bay area...or most people just don't want to know, regardless of political affiliation.

in the 2+ years of my red pill swallowing, i've converted 3, maybe 4....but i've put it into the heads of everyone, so maybe with time things will get better.

Look at the "Do you think there is a 9/11 Coverup" thread... the majority of people who voted, "Yes", aren't even "truthers"... if you take into account the Zogby Poll... that's 50% who don't believe the official story in New York alone... From my personal experience, I've asked people out of the blue, in line at 7-11, whether or not they think the Government was behind 9/11, and the majority of the people I've asked that question to, say yes. I just think there are people who might think the official story is a lie, but don't know where to go, or who to talk to, to help if they wanted to. That's greatly due to the fact that the Mainstream Media ignores us...
Gold9472 said:
Look at the "Do you think there is a 9/11 Coverup" thread... the majority of people who voted, "Yes", aren't even "truthers"... if you take into account the Zogby Poll... that's 50% who don't believe the official story in New York alone... From my personal experience, I've asked people out of the blue, in line at 7-11, whether or not they think the Government was behind 9/11, and the majority of the people I've asked that question to, say yes. I just think there are people who might think the official story is a lie, but don't know where to go, or who to talk to, to help if they wanted to. That's greatly due to the fact that the Mainstream Media ignores us...

i pray you are more right than me. But i get discouraged when my liberal open-minded GOOD friends look at me with a blank stare on their face, some even have a look of horror that i would even suggest something like that....or don't care whatsoever. As if the official theory makes sense to them and therefore that is good enough for them.....and i think people might think this way EVEN if they have doubt about the official theory because they get paralyzed by the idea.

I have been curious about the #'s though. i now we are growing daily. If most people truly believed the gov't made it happen, there would be a hell of lot more people on the streets, or writing to their representatives.

someone said something the other day about the movement needing a Cindy Sheehan type that can drive the truth forward. but we see that with every new face that comes out in support of another investigation. we just need to do more to sustain the momentum when they emerge from their slumber.

Morgan Reynolds
Steve Jones

there are obviously more than just those 3 but they are the ones that have stirred the debate the most i believe. And even David Ray Griffen didn't get any real media time except for CSPAN (not to knock CSPAN) i didn't realize how special it was until last year. But i know no one else who watches it (except for those i chat with online).

You know David Cobb and the green party (my party) called for an new investigation into 9-11 but i haven't really heard from them since the election last year. They could have been pushing this the whole time and build HUGE support for 2006, 2008 because people want to support the ones who represent truth.

Although i did read that Carol Brouillet was thinking of running for Congress under the green party.

we shall see.

peace to you my brother!