I'm Back From Chicago, And It Was Amazing

Gold > hero. Thanks for the report.

I got banned within 15 minutes after rejoining the Indystar forum. In order to get banned you must be turned in for violating rules, which I did not. The have been deleting threads over there (clear censorship). Let the power of the people speak.
Good for you, Jon! I too wish i could have been there. I will(!) make the next one. Of course, from the sounds of some of this thread, I guess I had business to attend to here!

Uber Commandante said:
Good for you, Jon! I too wish i could have been there. I will(!) make the next one. Of course, from the sounds of some of this thread, I guess I had business to attend to here!


Thanks poppa x2.
aceace said:
Gold > hero. Thanks for the report.

I got banned within 15 minutes after rejoining the Indystar forum. In order to get banned you must be turned in for violating rules, which I did not. The have been deleting threads over there (clear censorship). Let the power of the people speak.

No problem.