Just watched the "Hijacking Catastrophe" film. Very nicely put together, great comments by Norman Mailer, Scott Ritter, Noam Chomsky, etc.... A great timeline in explaining the PNAC, The "Wolfowitz Doctrine", The false ties between Iraq and al Qaeda....
Some of my favorites. When somebody remembered that Bush told the American people to "go back to their daily lives, let us take care of things" after 9/11, and the guy's statement that "Spectatorship leads directly to fear." Plus how Americans are de-sensitized to War by fancy computer graphics and how the media shows the missiles flying and bright flashes, but not the aftermath....
Another curious sight, at least to me. I don't know about the rest of you, but since I'm right-handed, I use my right hand for all little things, like holding a glass, or a utensil, a phone, etc..... Osama Bin Laden is shown on the videotape shooting an automatic weapon of some kind left-handed. In the videotapes where he's holding a microphone and telling the Americans he's going to kill us all, he holds the microphone in his right hand. A little strange, right?