Help Return Cynthia McKinney To Congress


Staff member
Help Return Cynthia McKinney To Congress


Dear Friend and Supporter:

Thank you for your financial support during my effort to return to Congress. Because of you, I made it back to Congress without the permission of the "powers" that be, but with a mandate from the "people" that be. Please visit and keep me free.

Now back in Congress, I have once again addressed issues that have been off limits for the power structure. We speak truth to power, but we've still got so much work to do.

We held the first-ever full day open briefing on the 9/11 Commission Report's unanswered questions. You might have seen this on C-Span. Family members, scholars, academics, and whistleblowers served as panelists. And days after our event, the 9/11 Commission was forced to admit that it cavalierly failed to include vital information about the military intelligence operation known as Able Danger in their report.

I am in the process of holding a series of press conferences revealing shocking information about Diebold's business practices in Georgia. As more and more insiders tell me of their experiences with this company, the people of Georgia and our country need to know the extent to which the State of Diebold is the State of our Democracy.

Just this past weekend I was the only elected official to address the massive antiwar rally in Washington, DC.

Sadly, the corporate media have refused to accurately cover my efforts. That is why I need your help more than ever.

Everyday, the Congressional office is open to help constituents with their problems and to speak for you. But we can only continue to do that with solid financial backing. I need your help now.

Please go to and contribute now to my campaign for reelection. Or you can snail mail me at Cynthia McKinney for Congress, PO Box 371125, Decatur, GA 30037. And if you’d like to host an event in your home, I’d love to do that too. We need the maximum contribution you and your friends can give. I cannot win without you.

The powers that be tried to silence my voice once. Please don't let them do it again.



P.S. Campaign contributions are not tax deductible. Paid for by Cynthia McKinney for Congress. Federal Election Laws prohibit corporate contributions. Only legal residents and US citizens can make campaign contributions.