Hannity & Colmes Lies About And Attacks Cynthia McKinney - Audio Inside


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Hannity & Colmes Lies About And Attacks Cynthia McKinney

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There are so many things wrong with this coverage I don't know where to begin. First of all, she's done A LOT more than tell reporters that she revealed the truth about 9/11. Unless you're forgetting, she's held three Commission's in order to FIND the truth about 9/11.

Calling her a "Piece Of Work", and a "Character" after playing the audio regarding her 9/11 questions, makes her out to be what they want everyone to regard her as, a "Nut". To describe her efforts as "Antics", and to blatently LIE about how many people are "Fed Up" with her, AGAIN leads people to believe that she is, a "Nut".

Her challenger, a man who OBVIOUSLY is pushing the "popular" line regarding Democrats, is allowed on to speak down regarding Cynthia. WITHOUT allowing her on to speak for herself.

For Alan Colmes to say that it's "mostly conservatives" who bring up her "ya know, playing the race card", and then for him to ask the challenger, "Do you believe that she is playing the race card?", and then to repeat, "By her?... By her?..." shows how much of a joke the "Liberal" Colmes is.

It is obvious to me that Fox News is trying to get her out of office. We should continue to support her as best as we can. There aren't that many people out there who actually fight for the people.
I have to admit, it's disheartening to hear her say, "What did they know?" as opposed to "They made it happen." However, I wonder if she feels that's her "in". To reveal the rest?
Hmmmmm... I wonder if Cynthia McKinney is appealing to the "majority" of the 9/11 Truth Movement. It's VERY possible there are more people out there who believe they let it happen as opposed to making it happen. Think about it. How many people have the time to do the amount of research that I and other people have done?
Gold9472 said:
Hmmmmm... I wonder if Cynthia McKinney is appealing to the "majority" of the 9/11 Truth Movement. It's VERY possible there are more people out there who believe they let it happen as opposed to making it happen. Think about it. How many people have the time to do the amount of research that I and other people have done?
You know what, she might as well speak up since she's being labeled as a kook anyway. It is not necessarily the messenger, it is the message. The facts can stand on their own. 9/11 Truth simply needs to reach more ears.

Are you in contact with her Jon? If so, find out where she stands on this topic.
I have no way of contacting her... other than the usual way that her constituents do... I've tried contacting John Judge, but he's been hard to get a hold of.