Fox News Cavuto Show Hosts 9/11 Skeptic To Bash - Video Inside


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Fox News Cavuto Show Hosts 9/11 Skeptic to Bash


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(Gold9472: He's certainly running on the WRONG 9/11 platform... in my opinion. ;))


In reference to last nights post, here is the video clip of a guy named Christopher Young who was apparently brought on for the sole purpose of bashing his opinions without offering any real substance.

While I am not familiar with Young or his opinions on all things 9/11, I do respect him having the balls to run for office and openly stating that there is a massive coverup of the events of 9/11.

So, more short and hateful mentioning of 9/11 skepticism by the mainstream media, when will they have the guts to interview someone like Griffin I wonder?
But way to go... They didn't give him a chance... they showed him sitting there, and kept re-running the "crazy man" footage...