Evidence From Moussaoui Trial Released

Has anyone had a look at the stuff on here yet?

I was looking at a lot of the prosecution teams exhibits on the site. (The download speeds on the site are a lot better now) One of the videos on the site is listed as 20 minutes long but only runs to around half of that. Some of the stuff I had not seen video-wise. One video shows both aircraft hitting the towers and the subsequent collapse. The second video (the one with the numbers 315 in it) seems only be there to create anger in the jury. It is mostly 8 minutes of people jumping from the towers and a lingering shot on people trapped. It is not for the light hearted.

Some of the flash presentations concerning phone calls seem edited. Out of all of the flights I could only find one that you could listen to.

As I said previously a lot of the evidence seems like it has been edited before being released. Anyone else had a look through it all yet?