Cynthia McKinney Gives An Incredible Speech - Video Inside

I love her. I stand corrected. There is at least ONE politician worth a shit. Suprised she hasn't been suicided yet.
John Kerry should have used hired McKinney as his speech writter.
PhilosophyGenius said:
John Kerry should have used hired McKinney as his speech writter.
Kerry didn't have a problem with speech writing, he had a problem with delivery. He had no passion.
beltman713 said:
Kerry didn't have a problem with speech writing, he had a problem with delivery. He had no passion.

That and the whole being almost indistinguishable from the Republicans thing.
Your right. Also he didnt explain to the American people why he wasnt a flip-flop or respond to the Swift boat ads.
PhilosophyGenius said:
Your right. Also he didnt explain to the American people why he wasnt a flip-flop or respond to the Swift boat ads.
Yeah, you might say he failed to "Report for duty".
Cynthia McKinney - what a gal!!! I love her passion, her courage!!