Cut to the Chase or Risk Irrelevance: The Plain and Simple Truth of 9/11
Les Jamieson
As a full time activist and researcher, it is obvious, from my perspective, that we as a movement still have serious work to do to inform millions of people. The government, media and so-called progressive organizations have resisted even seriously considering the overwhelming evidence of official lies. We still must find a way to break through the silence--and we cannot fail.
The obvious task is to distill the analysis down to simple, powerful messages. Then we must realize that any one of the points is enough to pierce and shatter the official deception of 9/11. This may be the most difficult thing to realize for a movement filled with intellectuals who have engaged in the process of analyzing the broad spectrum of issues, including the important factor of historical context. However, nothing can match the importance of arriving at a succinct, powerful, and compelling strategy to expose the reality behind 9/11 because each day that passes brings more death and destruction, and worsening of social, economic, environmental and political conditions on the planet. Getting mired in complexity is an unfortunate risk we face. So here is a list of facts, supported by sources, that add up to the plain and simple truth about 9/11.
Steel frame buildings cannot collapse at virtually the speed of gravity, symmetrically, straight down into a relatively small pile of rubble due to fire or any other natural occurrence. Case closed…
A New York Times article entitled “Engineers are baffled over the collapse of 7 WTC; Steel members have been partly evaporated,” provides relevant data.
"Experts said no building like it [WTC7], a modern, steel-reinforced high-rise, had ever collapsed because of an uncontrolled fire." (Glanz, 2001)
That’s correct – no such steel-beam building had ever before (or since) completely collapsed due to fires! However, such complete, symmetrical collapses in steel-frame buildings have indeed occurred many times before -- all of them due to pre-positioned explosives in a procedure called “implosion” or controlled demolition. What a surprise, then, for such an occurrence in downtown Manhattan -- three skyscrapers completely collapsed on the same day, September 11, 2001. (Griffin, Full Story...
"In writing this paper, I call for a serious investigation of the hypothesis that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by damage and fires, but through the use of pre-positioned explosives. I consider the official FEMA, NIST, and 9-11 Commission reports that fires plus damage alone caused complete collapses of all three buildings. And I present evidence for the explosive-demolition hypothesis, which is suggested by the available data, testable and falsifiable, and yet has not been analyzed in any of the reports funded by the US government." (Griffin, Full story...
Steel cannot remain in a molten state for weeks due to a hydro-carbon fire. Case closed again…
"...molten metal was repeatedly observed and formally reported in the rubble piles of the WTC Towers and WTC 7, metal that looked like molten steel. Scientific analysis, using for example X-ray fluorescence, would be needed to ascertain the actual composition of the molten metal.
" I maintain that these observations are consistent with the use of the high-temperature thermite reaction or some variation thereof such as thermate, used to cut or demolish steel. Thermite is a mixture of iron oxide and aluminum powder. The end products of the thermite reaction are aluminum oxide and molten iron. So the thermite reaction generates molten iron directly, and is hot enough to melt and even evaporate steel which it contacts while reacting. Thermite contains its own supply of oxygen and so the reaction cannot be smothered, even with water. Use of sulfur in conjunction with the thermite will accelerate the destructive effect on steel, and sulfidation of structural steel was indeed observed in some of the few recovered members from the WTC rubble, as reported in Appendix C of the FEMA report." (Jones, Full story...
"A thermite reaction generates extraordinarily high temperatures (>2500° C) and it provides a credible explanation for the fires, hot spots and molten steel (a by-product of the thermite reaction) found in the collapsed buildings - they were a result of thermite detonations in the buildings' basements on 9/11." ( Full story...
A paper passport cannot survive a plane crashing at 400 miles an hour into a building, survive the collapse of a 110 story tower which pulverized thousands of tons of concrete into fine dust, then be found intact on top of the rubble. Case closed again…
Then there was the passport. The security services claim that a passport belonging to one of the hijackers was extracted from the rubble of the World Trade Centre. This definitive identification might help them to track the rest of the network. We are being asked to believe that a paper document from the cockpit of the first plane – the epicentre of an inferno which vapourised steel – survived the fireball and fell to the ground almost intact.
When presented with material like this, I can’t help suspecting that intelligence agents have assembled the theory first, then sought the facts required to fit it… The West, in the name of civilisation, was insisting that Bin Laden was guilty, and it would find the evidence later. (Ahmed, Full story...
Four commercial airliners cannot get hijacked within minutes of each other, have their transponders shut off, make u-turns in the sky and fly for nearly two hours without being intercepted if air defense protocol is followed. Case closed again…
Timeline showing when transponders were shut off is available here. (
"For almost a half-century, the state Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing, based at Atlantic City International Airport in Pomona, had been a key part of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD. The command runs radar sites and monitors fighter squadrons assigned to protect the United States and Canada from attack, and from unauthorized flights by drug smugglers and undocumented immigrants. Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold War, two F-16 fighters from the 177th were parked around the clock on the Atlantic City runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble." (Kelly, Full story...
"Even before it became clear that the September 11 flights had been hijacked, or that the intent was to use these aircraft in kamikaze attacks, their diversions from flight plan should have activated routine responses for dealing with errant planes. Civilian and military regulations and longstanding working procedures for commercial passenger planes and other aircraft under Instrument Flight Rules ('IFR') call upon air traffic controllers under the Federal Aviation Administration ('FAA') to alert NORAD upon determining that a flight has veered significantly from the route assigned to it by controllers; has ceased responding to ground control; or is an 'unknown.' NORAD's role in that case is to issue 'scramble orders' for interception of the errant flight by jet fighters from U.S. Air Force Bases ('AFBs')." ( Full story...
The multi-trillion dollar US defense/intelligence apparatus cannot receive many years of warnings of terrorist attacks, including specific mention of use of planes being flown into buildings, and attribute the success of the attacks of 9/11 entirely to failure and incompetence. Case closed again…
"The threat reports were more clear, urgent and persistent than was previously known. Some focused on Al Qaeda's plans to use commercial aircraft as weapons. Others stated that Osama bin Laden was intent on striking on United States soil. Many were passed to the Federal Aviation Administration. While some of the intelligence went back years, other warnings - including one that Al Qaeda seemed interested in hijacking a plane inside this country - had been delivered to the president on Aug. 6, 2001, just a month before the attacks." (Johnston & Dwyer, New York Times) Full story...
"Even though Bush has refused to make parts of the 9-11 report public, one thing is startlingly clear: The U.S. government had received repeated warnings of impending attacks—and attacks using planes directed at New York and Washington—for several years. The government never told us about what it knew was coming. - See for yourself. The report lists 36 different summaries of warnings dating back to 1997." (TVNewsLies) Full story...
(Doing a Google search on “9-11 years of warnings” turns up 6,400,000 pages!)
End Part I
Les Jamieson
As a full time activist and researcher, it is obvious, from my perspective, that we as a movement still have serious work to do to inform millions of people. The government, media and so-called progressive organizations have resisted even seriously considering the overwhelming evidence of official lies. We still must find a way to break through the silence--and we cannot fail.
The obvious task is to distill the analysis down to simple, powerful messages. Then we must realize that any one of the points is enough to pierce and shatter the official deception of 9/11. This may be the most difficult thing to realize for a movement filled with intellectuals who have engaged in the process of analyzing the broad spectrum of issues, including the important factor of historical context. However, nothing can match the importance of arriving at a succinct, powerful, and compelling strategy to expose the reality behind 9/11 because each day that passes brings more death and destruction, and worsening of social, economic, environmental and political conditions on the planet. Getting mired in complexity is an unfortunate risk we face. So here is a list of facts, supported by sources, that add up to the plain and simple truth about 9/11.
Steel frame buildings cannot collapse at virtually the speed of gravity, symmetrically, straight down into a relatively small pile of rubble due to fire or any other natural occurrence. Case closed…
A New York Times article entitled “Engineers are baffled over the collapse of 7 WTC; Steel members have been partly evaporated,” provides relevant data.
"Experts said no building like it [WTC7], a modern, steel-reinforced high-rise, had ever collapsed because of an uncontrolled fire." (Glanz, 2001)
That’s correct – no such steel-beam building had ever before (or since) completely collapsed due to fires! However, such complete, symmetrical collapses in steel-frame buildings have indeed occurred many times before -- all of them due to pre-positioned explosives in a procedure called “implosion” or controlled demolition. What a surprise, then, for such an occurrence in downtown Manhattan -- three skyscrapers completely collapsed on the same day, September 11, 2001. (Griffin, Full Story...
"In writing this paper, I call for a serious investigation of the hypothesis that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by damage and fires, but through the use of pre-positioned explosives. I consider the official FEMA, NIST, and 9-11 Commission reports that fires plus damage alone caused complete collapses of all three buildings. And I present evidence for the explosive-demolition hypothesis, which is suggested by the available data, testable and falsifiable, and yet has not been analyzed in any of the reports funded by the US government." (Griffin, Full story...
Steel cannot remain in a molten state for weeks due to a hydro-carbon fire. Case closed again…
"...molten metal was repeatedly observed and formally reported in the rubble piles of the WTC Towers and WTC 7, metal that looked like molten steel. Scientific analysis, using for example X-ray fluorescence, would be needed to ascertain the actual composition of the molten metal.
" I maintain that these observations are consistent with the use of the high-temperature thermite reaction or some variation thereof such as thermate, used to cut or demolish steel. Thermite is a mixture of iron oxide and aluminum powder. The end products of the thermite reaction are aluminum oxide and molten iron. So the thermite reaction generates molten iron directly, and is hot enough to melt and even evaporate steel which it contacts while reacting. Thermite contains its own supply of oxygen and so the reaction cannot be smothered, even with water. Use of sulfur in conjunction with the thermite will accelerate the destructive effect on steel, and sulfidation of structural steel was indeed observed in some of the few recovered members from the WTC rubble, as reported in Appendix C of the FEMA report." (Jones, Full story...
"A thermite reaction generates extraordinarily high temperatures (>2500° C) and it provides a credible explanation for the fires, hot spots and molten steel (a by-product of the thermite reaction) found in the collapsed buildings - they were a result of thermite detonations in the buildings' basements on 9/11." ( Full story...
A paper passport cannot survive a plane crashing at 400 miles an hour into a building, survive the collapse of a 110 story tower which pulverized thousands of tons of concrete into fine dust, then be found intact on top of the rubble. Case closed again…
Then there was the passport. The security services claim that a passport belonging to one of the hijackers was extracted from the rubble of the World Trade Centre. This definitive identification might help them to track the rest of the network. We are being asked to believe that a paper document from the cockpit of the first plane – the epicentre of an inferno which vapourised steel – survived the fireball and fell to the ground almost intact.
When presented with material like this, I can’t help suspecting that intelligence agents have assembled the theory first, then sought the facts required to fit it… The West, in the name of civilisation, was insisting that Bin Laden was guilty, and it would find the evidence later. (Ahmed, Full story...
Four commercial airliners cannot get hijacked within minutes of each other, have their transponders shut off, make u-turns in the sky and fly for nearly two hours without being intercepted if air defense protocol is followed. Case closed again…
Timeline showing when transponders were shut off is available here. (
"For almost a half-century, the state Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing, based at Atlantic City International Airport in Pomona, had been a key part of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD. The command runs radar sites and monitors fighter squadrons assigned to protect the United States and Canada from attack, and from unauthorized flights by drug smugglers and undocumented immigrants. Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold War, two F-16 fighters from the 177th were parked around the clock on the Atlantic City runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble." (Kelly, Full story...
"Even before it became clear that the September 11 flights had been hijacked, or that the intent was to use these aircraft in kamikaze attacks, their diversions from flight plan should have activated routine responses for dealing with errant planes. Civilian and military regulations and longstanding working procedures for commercial passenger planes and other aircraft under Instrument Flight Rules ('IFR') call upon air traffic controllers under the Federal Aviation Administration ('FAA') to alert NORAD upon determining that a flight has veered significantly from the route assigned to it by controllers; has ceased responding to ground control; or is an 'unknown.' NORAD's role in that case is to issue 'scramble orders' for interception of the errant flight by jet fighters from U.S. Air Force Bases ('AFBs')." ( Full story...
The multi-trillion dollar US defense/intelligence apparatus cannot receive many years of warnings of terrorist attacks, including specific mention of use of planes being flown into buildings, and attribute the success of the attacks of 9/11 entirely to failure and incompetence. Case closed again…
"The threat reports were more clear, urgent and persistent than was previously known. Some focused on Al Qaeda's plans to use commercial aircraft as weapons. Others stated that Osama bin Laden was intent on striking on United States soil. Many were passed to the Federal Aviation Administration. While some of the intelligence went back years, other warnings - including one that Al Qaeda seemed interested in hijacking a plane inside this country - had been delivered to the president on Aug. 6, 2001, just a month before the attacks." (Johnston & Dwyer, New York Times) Full story...
"Even though Bush has refused to make parts of the 9-11 report public, one thing is startlingly clear: The U.S. government had received repeated warnings of impending attacks—and attacks using planes directed at New York and Washington—for several years. The government never told us about what it knew was coming. - See for yourself. The report lists 36 different summaries of warnings dating back to 1997." (TVNewsLies) Full story...
(Doing a Google search on “9-11 years of warnings” turns up 6,400,000 pages!)
End Part I