Controllers' 9/11 Tapes Willfully Destroyed


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Controllers' 9/11 Tapes Willfully Destroyed
Friday, February 18, 2005 - 09:11 AM

LESLIE MILLER, ASSOCIATED PRESS - Air traffic controllers who handled two of the hijacked flights on Sept. 11, 2001, recorded their experiences shortly after the planes crashed into the World Trade Center but a supervisor destroyed the tape, government investigators said Thursday.

A report by Transportation Department Inspector General Kenneth Mead said the manager for the New York-area air traffic control center asked the controllers to make the recordings a few hours after the crashes in belief they would be important for law enforcement.

Investigators never heard it. Sometime between December 2001 and February 2002, an unidentified Federal Aviation Administration quality assurance manager crushed the cassette case in his hand, cut the tape into small pieces and threw them away in multiple trash cans, the report said.

"We were told that nobody ever listened to, transcribed or duplicated the tape," Mead said in the report sent to Sen. John McCain. The Arizona Republican asked the inspector general to look into how well the agency was cooperating with the independent panel investigating the attacks.

Neither manager told anyone outside the center - including their superiors and law enforcement officials - about the tape's existence, the report said. The Sept. 11 commission learned of the tape during interviews with New York air traffic control center personnel between September and October.
I'm sure that they remember quite clearly what happened and could easily be interviewed. Wonder why the 911 commision didnt want too.
When you have a preconceived notion of the truth the last thing you want is the real truth coming out.
Could you imagine what was on those tapes? I certainly can... "I can't control the plane... " or "There are men with guns on the plane..." or "Have you notified the towers?" or "The Americans have taken control of the plane... we are patsies..."

I wish I knew what was on them.