During the summer of 2001, the BIG story was the mysterious disappearance of Chandra Levy on May 1, 2001. Levy had been romantically linked to California congressman Gary Condit. Rumors swirled about Condit's perverse sexual appetite, and how Levy had been done away with, directly or indirectly, by Condit, to keep her from ruining his family and career. However, there is an even more sinister side to this story.
On September 11, 2001, Gary Condit, Chandra Levy, and all the attention they had recieved all that summer, came crashing down along with the World Trade Center Towers. In March 2002 Condit lost his bid for re-election, mostly because of his ties to the scandal. The remains of Levy mysteriously appeared May 22, 2002, over a year from the day she disappeared. How strange, her "Skull and Bones" miraculously appeared in a wooded area in Washington's Rock Creek Park. Massive police searches of Rock Creek park produced no results during the summer of 2001, however the following spring she was discovered by a man whose dog was "looking for turtles". It was declared a homicide by investigators. Most of the incriminating evidence was long gone due to the effects of time. They found her her remains deep in the woods, next to a tree. Her leggings had been knotted at the ends, leading to speculation that she had been tied up with them, possibly to the tree. The rest of her faded clothes, including Reebok sneakers, and a USC sweatshirt were nearby. Her walkman was found sitting neatly on a rock, with the headphones still attached. Her hyoid bone, located in the neck, had been damaged, which indicated she was probably strangled. It looked as though she had gone into the woods willingly with someone she knew, and was attacked unexpectedly by that person, or the crime scene was set up to appear that way, perhaps at a later date, which seems more likely, considering her remains would have almost certainly caught the attention of police dogs in 2001. In either case, it was NOT a random robbery or mugging. Whatever coverage this once big story had recieved soon came to an end. As with so many other stories, the Corporate Media gave us the Official Party Line when it came to the Levy story, but this story has many layers, and like an onion, the more layers you unravel, the more it stinks.
After September 11, 2001, people began to remark that all of the attention given the Levy case up to the 9-11 attacks was a blatant example of how the media focuses on trivial events in pursuit of ratings. However, believe it or not, the murder of Levy, and the "911 EMERGENCY DAY" attacks, may be directly related. The timing of her disappearance with the September 11 terrorist attacks, as well as the Timothy McVeigh execution, and the circumstaces in her life just prior to her abduction and murder, cast a dark shadow over the entire Chandra Levy mystery. Evidence indicates that the 24 year old Chandra Levy was an agent working for a renegade faction of the MOSSAD, Israel's top spy agency.
Chandra was good looking, and that was an asset. She was known as a thrill seeker, and wanted to become a latter day Mata Hari, a World War One spy who infiltrated high levels of military commands. Even as a teen, Chandra liked to volunteer to assist the local police in her home town of Modesto, California. She would participate in "sting operations", trying to catch local businesses selling alcohol to minors. Those who knew her say she dreamed of becoming a covert operative with the CIA when she grew up. Just weeks before she vanished, Levy took a trip to Israel. Photos of her in Israel later appeared in Time and other major publications. Israel places great importance in its symbiotic relationship with the USA, and they would be unable to exist without the vast amounts of aid, both military and social welfare, that is sent yearly from the U.S.. They also depend on critical intelligence information that is obtained either through cooperation, or covertly. According to a former MOSSAD agent who wishes to remain anonymous, "Operation Dumb Eagle" is the code name for the spy agency's extensive efforts to infiltrate top levels of the U.S. government through the placement of American Jews in sensitive positions. Part of "Operation Dumb Eagle" is the recruitment, training and placement of attractive Jewish coeds as U.S. Interns.
Chandra Levy attended the University of Southern California to earn a Master's degree in Public Administration. While in California, Levy had served as an intern for Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, and California Governor Gray Davis. There she discovered the private world of high level politicians, many of whom live wild satanic sex lives. She moved from from her home in Modesto to Washington DC in September 2000 to begin an internship at the Federal Bureau of Prisons. After moving to Washington, Chandra was in a perfect position gather top secret information, not only at her job, but also by using her female powers of persuasion. In October 2000, she stopped by the offices of her hometown congressman, Gary Condit. They posed for pictures, and Condit asked Levy if he could see her again sometime. She accepted, and the romance began almost immediatly. The MOSSAD keeps extensive dossiers on a large number of U.S. politicians. And they undoubtedly knew of Condit's wild sex life, and felt that Levy would make the perfect honey trap. Condit's position as a senior member of the intelligence committee would make him a prime target for just such an operation. The sexual seduction of high level government officials by spies is usually of the illicit category, which provides foreign powers the added advantage of being able to better bribe and control the targeted victims, who, as it was with Condit, may be married with children.
As an intern in the Federal Bureau of Prisons during the winter and spring of 2001, she worked in the Public Affairs section, and Press Office. Chandra's co-workers at the Bureau of Prisons praised her work and noted that Chandra was very computer literate. Her last duties at BOP before her unexpected termination, and her disappearance, involved helping arrange media coverage of Timothy McVeigh's execution, originally scheduled for May 16 2001. Chandra was in a perfect position to have access to highly classified data about McVeigh, that linked him to U.S. intelligence operations involving CIA sponsored terrorism, both here and abroad. Chandra would easily be able to obtain this information pertaining to McVeigh, and more importantly, related inside information to the impending 9-11 attacks. Information such as the 1993 WTC bombing materials having been purchased with the credit card of a US Muslim and an FBI provocateur named Melvin Lattimore. Melvin Lattimore was seen by 4 witnesses in McVeigh’s car at the OKC Travelers Aid office adjacent to the Murrah federal building just ONE DAY before the OKC bombing. Six FBI agents spent 9 months browbeating the 4 witnesses, trying to make them change their story about seeing Lattimore at the Travelers Aid. Lattimore was the roommate of the 20th 9/11 hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui while he attended the Airman flight school in Norman Oklahoma in 2000 and 2001. Lattimore was also the roomate of 9/11 hijackers Al Hazmi and Al Shehhi in Norman Oklahoma. At McVeigh's trial his sister read a letter from him to the grand jury in which he told her he was going into the Special Forces Covert Tactical Unit.
Chandra Levy herself checked off McVeigh's visitors. It was reported that she noted some twelve or more visits by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the UCLA mind control expert for the CIA who pronounced Jack Ruby insane after he suggested a conspiracy in the JFK assassination. He also was the government psychiatrist who handled Sirhan Sirhan while he awaited trial. Jolly West was infamous for his early use of LSD on unsuspecting victims. He was the head of the CIA's mind-control program known as MKULTRA, and was a pioneer of electronic brain experimentation. Chandra's disappearance was conveniently just two weeks before McVeigh's scheduled execution. Due to the discovery of documents that had not been given to McVeigh's defense team, his execution was rescheduled and carried out on June 11, 2001. Rumors ran strong with speculation about the date of Chandra's disappearance and McVeigh's two execution dates. The information that Chandra Levy possessed would have been far more damaging to the government, and their desire to eliminate the potential loose cannon, McVeigh.
Chandra would also have easy access to information concerning members of the Bin Laden Family residing in the U.S., some of whom had national security contracts with the U.S. Government. Osama bin Laden, contrary to the lies put out by the corporate media, was not on the outs with his family, who secretly funded him. It's no coincidence that right after 9-11, the FBI arranged by plane to whisk many Bin Laden Family members out of the U.S.. Chandra had access to records detailing the clandestine business arrangements between the U.S. government and the Bin Laden Family, along with McVeigh's ties to CIA sponsored domestic and foreign terrorists, all of which would be of great interest to the Israeli government. As I've said, Gary Condit was a senior member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, privy to closed door sessions dealing with covert operations of the spy community. Chandra was reportedly pumping Condit for hot information, in return for sexual favors. In a People Magazine interview on September 9, 2001, Condit indicated Chandra had a strong interest in the McVeigh case, terrorism, and the middle east. "She was much more interested in those things than I was", Condit recalled. The massive publicity evaporated when America was attacked September 11, 2001. Condit demanded of Levy total discretion when it came to ANYTHING concerning their relationship. That included not only private information about his perverted sexual misconduct, but also any INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION she might come across in the course of their relationship.
Anyone "connecting the dots" would have to conclude that Chandra Levy had come upon some of the most incredible intelligence secrets in history, including the plan to use huge terrorist strikes in America to justify global wars, finance the military industrial complex, and justify a police state here at home in a huge power grab. David Schippers, Chief Council for the House Judiciary Committee and head prosecutor responsible for conducting the impeachment against former President Clinton, went public revealing that in the months BEFORE the 9-11 attacks, many FBI agents had come to him informing him about the impending attacks. These agents knew the names of the hijackers, the targets of their attacks, the proposed dates, and the sources of the terrorists' funding, etc., many months in advance of the 9/11 attacks. The FBI command pulled them off of their investigations into these terrorists and threatened them with the National Security Act. They told them that if they talked about any of the information pertaining to their investigations that they would be prosecuted. So many of them sought the council of Mr. Schippers wanting to get somebody in the U.S. government to take action against these terrorists before their plan could be implemented. Mr. Schippers talked to many Congressmen and Senators, and tried to get a hold of Att. Gen. John Ashcroft, all only to get the run-around.
Chandra Levy, through her sensitive position in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, through their computers and facilities, and human intelligence contacts, and through her intimate relationship with a congressman on the intelligence commitee, unearthed a dangerous group of details related to the coming 9-11 attacks, the same information the FBI agents had brought to Schippers. She had none of the restrictions the FBI agents had, or so she thought, and apparently was about to go public with the information. The MOSSAD had tried to warn American intelligence about their knowledge of the planned 9-11 attacks, and were met with indifference. Was at least some of the information they had, been obtained from their agent, the now missing Levy? It would seem highly likely.
During the summer of 2001, the BIG story was the mysterious disappearance of Chandra Levy on May 1, 2001. Levy had been romantically linked to California congressman Gary Condit. Rumors swirled about Condit's perverse sexual appetite, and how Levy had been done away with, directly or indirectly, by Condit, to keep her from ruining his family and career. However, there is an even more sinister side to this story.
On September 11, 2001, Gary Condit, Chandra Levy, and all the attention they had recieved all that summer, came crashing down along with the World Trade Center Towers. In March 2002 Condit lost his bid for re-election, mostly because of his ties to the scandal. The remains of Levy mysteriously appeared May 22, 2002, over a year from the day she disappeared. How strange, her "Skull and Bones" miraculously appeared in a wooded area in Washington's Rock Creek Park. Massive police searches of Rock Creek park produced no results during the summer of 2001, however the following spring she was discovered by a man whose dog was "looking for turtles". It was declared a homicide by investigators. Most of the incriminating evidence was long gone due to the effects of time. They found her her remains deep in the woods, next to a tree. Her leggings had been knotted at the ends, leading to speculation that she had been tied up with them, possibly to the tree. The rest of her faded clothes, including Reebok sneakers, and a USC sweatshirt were nearby. Her walkman was found sitting neatly on a rock, with the headphones still attached. Her hyoid bone, located in the neck, had been damaged, which indicated she was probably strangled. It looked as though she had gone into the woods willingly with someone she knew, and was attacked unexpectedly by that person, or the crime scene was set up to appear that way, perhaps at a later date, which seems more likely, considering her remains would have almost certainly caught the attention of police dogs in 2001. In either case, it was NOT a random robbery or mugging. Whatever coverage this once big story had recieved soon came to an end. As with so many other stories, the Corporate Media gave us the Official Party Line when it came to the Levy story, but this story has many layers, and like an onion, the more layers you unravel, the more it stinks.
After September 11, 2001, people began to remark that all of the attention given the Levy case up to the 9-11 attacks was a blatant example of how the media focuses on trivial events in pursuit of ratings. However, believe it or not, the murder of Levy, and the "911 EMERGENCY DAY" attacks, may be directly related. The timing of her disappearance with the September 11 terrorist attacks, as well as the Timothy McVeigh execution, and the circumstaces in her life just prior to her abduction and murder, cast a dark shadow over the entire Chandra Levy mystery. Evidence indicates that the 24 year old Chandra Levy was an agent working for a renegade faction of the MOSSAD, Israel's top spy agency.
Chandra was good looking, and that was an asset. She was known as a thrill seeker, and wanted to become a latter day Mata Hari, a World War One spy who infiltrated high levels of military commands. Even as a teen, Chandra liked to volunteer to assist the local police in her home town of Modesto, California. She would participate in "sting operations", trying to catch local businesses selling alcohol to minors. Those who knew her say she dreamed of becoming a covert operative with the CIA when she grew up. Just weeks before she vanished, Levy took a trip to Israel. Photos of her in Israel later appeared in Time and other major publications. Israel places great importance in its symbiotic relationship with the USA, and they would be unable to exist without the vast amounts of aid, both military and social welfare, that is sent yearly from the U.S.. They also depend on critical intelligence information that is obtained either through cooperation, or covertly. According to a former MOSSAD agent who wishes to remain anonymous, "Operation Dumb Eagle" is the code name for the spy agency's extensive efforts to infiltrate top levels of the U.S. government through the placement of American Jews in sensitive positions. Part of "Operation Dumb Eagle" is the recruitment, training and placement of attractive Jewish coeds as U.S. Interns.
Chandra Levy attended the University of Southern California to earn a Master's degree in Public Administration. While in California, Levy had served as an intern for Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, and California Governor Gray Davis. There she discovered the private world of high level politicians, many of whom live wild satanic sex lives. She moved from from her home in Modesto to Washington DC in September 2000 to begin an internship at the Federal Bureau of Prisons. After moving to Washington, Chandra was in a perfect position gather top secret information, not only at her job, but also by using her female powers of persuasion. In October 2000, she stopped by the offices of her hometown congressman, Gary Condit. They posed for pictures, and Condit asked Levy if he could see her again sometime. She accepted, and the romance began almost immediatly. The MOSSAD keeps extensive dossiers on a large number of U.S. politicians. And they undoubtedly knew of Condit's wild sex life, and felt that Levy would make the perfect honey trap. Condit's position as a senior member of the intelligence committee would make him a prime target for just such an operation. The sexual seduction of high level government officials by spies is usually of the illicit category, which provides foreign powers the added advantage of being able to better bribe and control the targeted victims, who, as it was with Condit, may be married with children.
As an intern in the Federal Bureau of Prisons during the winter and spring of 2001, she worked in the Public Affairs section, and Press Office. Chandra's co-workers at the Bureau of Prisons praised her work and noted that Chandra was very computer literate. Her last duties at BOP before her unexpected termination, and her disappearance, involved helping arrange media coverage of Timothy McVeigh's execution, originally scheduled for May 16 2001. Chandra was in a perfect position to have access to highly classified data about McVeigh, that linked him to U.S. intelligence operations involving CIA sponsored terrorism, both here and abroad. Chandra would easily be able to obtain this information pertaining to McVeigh, and more importantly, related inside information to the impending 9-11 attacks. Information such as the 1993 WTC bombing materials having been purchased with the credit card of a US Muslim and an FBI provocateur named Melvin Lattimore. Melvin Lattimore was seen by 4 witnesses in McVeigh’s car at the OKC Travelers Aid office adjacent to the Murrah federal building just ONE DAY before the OKC bombing. Six FBI agents spent 9 months browbeating the 4 witnesses, trying to make them change their story about seeing Lattimore at the Travelers Aid. Lattimore was the roommate of the 20th 9/11 hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui while he attended the Airman flight school in Norman Oklahoma in 2000 and 2001. Lattimore was also the roomate of 9/11 hijackers Al Hazmi and Al Shehhi in Norman Oklahoma. At McVeigh's trial his sister read a letter from him to the grand jury in which he told her he was going into the Special Forces Covert Tactical Unit.
Chandra Levy herself checked off McVeigh's visitors. It was reported that she noted some twelve or more visits by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the UCLA mind control expert for the CIA who pronounced Jack Ruby insane after he suggested a conspiracy in the JFK assassination. He also was the government psychiatrist who handled Sirhan Sirhan while he awaited trial. Jolly West was infamous for his early use of LSD on unsuspecting victims. He was the head of the CIA's mind-control program known as MKULTRA, and was a pioneer of electronic brain experimentation. Chandra's disappearance was conveniently just two weeks before McVeigh's scheduled execution. Due to the discovery of documents that had not been given to McVeigh's defense team, his execution was rescheduled and carried out on June 11, 2001. Rumors ran strong with speculation about the date of Chandra's disappearance and McVeigh's two execution dates. The information that Chandra Levy possessed would have been far more damaging to the government, and their desire to eliminate the potential loose cannon, McVeigh.
Chandra would also have easy access to information concerning members of the Bin Laden Family residing in the U.S., some of whom had national security contracts with the U.S. Government. Osama bin Laden, contrary to the lies put out by the corporate media, was not on the outs with his family, who secretly funded him. It's no coincidence that right after 9-11, the FBI arranged by plane to whisk many Bin Laden Family members out of the U.S.. Chandra had access to records detailing the clandestine business arrangements between the U.S. government and the Bin Laden Family, along with McVeigh's ties to CIA sponsored domestic and foreign terrorists, all of which would be of great interest to the Israeli government. As I've said, Gary Condit was a senior member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, privy to closed door sessions dealing with covert operations of the spy community. Chandra was reportedly pumping Condit for hot information, in return for sexual favors. In a People Magazine interview on September 9, 2001, Condit indicated Chandra had a strong interest in the McVeigh case, terrorism, and the middle east. "She was much more interested in those things than I was", Condit recalled. The massive publicity evaporated when America was attacked September 11, 2001. Condit demanded of Levy total discretion when it came to ANYTHING concerning their relationship. That included not only private information about his perverted sexual misconduct, but also any INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION she might come across in the course of their relationship.
Anyone "connecting the dots" would have to conclude that Chandra Levy had come upon some of the most incredible intelligence secrets in history, including the plan to use huge terrorist strikes in America to justify global wars, finance the military industrial complex, and justify a police state here at home in a huge power grab. David Schippers, Chief Council for the House Judiciary Committee and head prosecutor responsible for conducting the impeachment against former President Clinton, went public revealing that in the months BEFORE the 9-11 attacks, many FBI agents had come to him informing him about the impending attacks. These agents knew the names of the hijackers, the targets of their attacks, the proposed dates, and the sources of the terrorists' funding, etc., many months in advance of the 9/11 attacks. The FBI command pulled them off of their investigations into these terrorists and threatened them with the National Security Act. They told them that if they talked about any of the information pertaining to their investigations that they would be prosecuted. So many of them sought the council of Mr. Schippers wanting to get somebody in the U.S. government to take action against these terrorists before their plan could be implemented. Mr. Schippers talked to many Congressmen and Senators, and tried to get a hold of Att. Gen. John Ashcroft, all only to get the run-around.
Chandra Levy, through her sensitive position in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, through their computers and facilities, and human intelligence contacts, and through her intimate relationship with a congressman on the intelligence commitee, unearthed a dangerous group of details related to the coming 9-11 attacks, the same information the FBI agents had brought to Schippers. She had none of the restrictions the FBI agents had, or so she thought, and apparently was about to go public with the information. The MOSSAD had tried to warn American intelligence about their knowledge of the planned 9-11 attacks, and were met with indifference. Was at least some of the information they had, been obtained from their agent, the now missing Levy? It would seem highly likely.