Can You Imagine? - Video Inside


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Can You Imagine?

Have you ever thought of the anger? The anger that we feel from everything that's going on in the world in our name? The anger that we feel towards what's happening in this country, and the direction we're headed? The anger that we feel when we see the smug expressions of the "Powers That Be" making decisions that no longer benefit us, but benefit the 1%? The anger that we feel when we KNOW we were lied to about 9/11, and that the Government was complicit? The anger that we feel when we think about the fact that there are elected officials in Government today who know the truth, and don't speak it? The anger that we feel when we think about how the media is WELL AWARE of the deception, and don't bother to cover it? Now think about that anger. Focus on it until it gnaws at you. REMEMBER that anger.

Last night, I had the honor of meeting Bob McIlvaine. Mr. McIlvaine lost his son Bobby on 9/11. On the morning of 9/11, Bobby was supposed to take part in a seminar on the 106th floor of the WTC for Merrill Lynch. Mr. McIlvaine says that he doesn't think he ever made it to that meeting. I'll never forget his role as Commissioner at the "9/11 Omission Hearings" in New York City, 9/9/2004.

Mr. McIlvaine didn't hold anything back, and I thank him for that. Although I understand his feelings regarding hope, I refuse to believe there is none.

Thank you Mr. McIlvaine for the honor, and the experience.

Now, do you remember that anger? It is NOTHING compared to what the family members feel. Anger we can not POSSIBLY imagine.

We need to be strong... because the families are tired.

Watch The Interview
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I never really get 'angry' at political issues unless it effects me, for me it's like I'm an observer in the Global Chessboard.
Excellent work Jon.

Some points I took from the interview: Mr. McIlvaine's willingness to write a book telling his side of the story, regardless of whether or not it becomes published. Also, when you asked him if he had any hope of honesty and closure from all this, and Bob simply said, "No." That's a shame. And he's right to feel that way. At least he's realistic. "Government by the people, for the people....." What a joke.
Good Doctor HST said:
Excellent work Jon.

Some points I took from the interview: Mr. McIlvaine's willingness to write a book telling his side of the story, regardless of whether or not it becomes published. Also, when you asked him if he had any hope of honesty and closure from all this, and Bob simply said, "No." That's a shame. And he's right to feel that way. At least he's realistic. "Government by the people, for the people....." What a joke.

He has the right to be bitter as far as I'm concerned... Thanks...
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From laruemtt:

"Ive often tried. I remember reading the book Middletown America about the families of some of those who were killed on 9/11 from the town of Middletown, NJ. you are taken with the families from before 9/11 into their lives and you see how they lived, then you are taken with them as they first hear of what is happening in lower manhattan, some of them seeing it happen live or on tv, knowing their loved ones are being killed, and the horror of their lives afterwards.

I worked in a hospital with a woman who was the hospital administator in 2000 whose son was killed on flight 77. I had been in her office once to talk with her and I saw the pictures of her son all over the office. I told her what a good looking guy he was and she said how proud she was of him. At 32 he was a doctor and was working with the surgeon general in D.C. and people had hopes of his becoming surgeon general in the future. He had just gotten engaged. He had the whole world ahead of him. He was a very cool guy from what i've read about him - Paul Ambrose. I didn't know at the time that his brother had died two years of earlier at age 32. why were she and her husband allowed to know that level of pain?

Everytime I hear of another soldier being killed in iraq I hear the families screams as they see the uniformed officials come up to their doors with their dreaded news, knowing their lives will never be the same.

There is no ring of hell low enough or deep enough or hot enough to house these murderers. I cannot imagine what their hell will be like, but I have faith they will experience it."
jschurchin said:
Good work Jon. Bravo. My condolences to Mr. McIlvaine.

I second that.

Here's an idea I plan to write about. Basically, we need to create a 9/11 support group - an infrastructure capable of supporting and protecting family members who do not take the hush money, whistleblowers, researchers being pressured or threatened. Without support people feel alienated and lonely, and that makes it all thwe more difficult for them to do the rigth thing.