Dear CitizensWatch:
Attached is a letter which I have written to C-Span's C.E.O., Brian Lamb, requesting more C-Span coverage of 911 Commission findings.
Please join me in asking C-Span to cover objections to the 9/11 Commission Report by Dr. David Ray Griffin.
Also, please circulate this suggestion to other interested groups and citizens. In my opinion, Dr. Griffin is an especially credible and persuasive person to begin generating broader public interest in and discussion of unresolved 911 issues. If C-Span covers Dr. Griffin, there might then be more public openness to and coverage of other authors and investigators on whom Dr. Griffin has relied.
Sincerely yours,
Ron Rattner, retired attorney
San Francisco
C-Span Letter
Re: Dr. David Ray Griffin; "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions"
Dear Brian Lamb,
Thank you, very much for C-Span and for your excellent and informative journalism thereon. C-Span has become for me, and for countless others, an indispensable part of our participation in the democratic process.
On April 30 and May 7, '05, C-Span's Book TV aired the subject lecture given at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. [See: ]
I found the lecture extremely credible and very important, and am convinced that the issues raised by Dr. Griffin need to be part of our nation's democratic discussion.
Yesterday, 5/26/05, during your Washington Journal interview of Lee Hamilton, several callers mentioned Dr. Griffin's Madison speech and confronted Mr. Hamilton with some of the issues raised by Dr. Griffin. One or two callers urged you to interview Dr. Griffin concerning the 911 Commission's findings. Although you apparently didn't know about Dr. Griffin or his book, you were open to learning of his contentions.
Professor Griffin is a recently retired Christian theologian who had published over twenty religious/philosophical books before writing "The New Pearl Harbor" and "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions". He had never been a political activist, and wrote these books out of moral compulsion, in the belief that his personal history and impeccable academic and publishing credentials would lend credibility to the issues being raised, and thereby bring them to the attention of the greater public. Apparently, that did not begin happening until C-Span aired the Madison lecture.
Together with yesterday's callers, I urge you to include Dr. Griffin in future Washington Journal (or other) programming. As we near the first anniversary of the July 22, '04 publication of the 911 Commission's Report, it is important that we have serious public discussion of that report, which Mr. Hamilton yesterday characterized as a 'beginning' of such discussion.
With thanks for your consideration of this request and for all you do in the public interest, I am
Ron Rattner, retir
Attached is a letter which I have written to C-Span's C.E.O., Brian Lamb, requesting more C-Span coverage of 911 Commission findings.
Please join me in asking C-Span to cover objections to the 9/11 Commission Report by Dr. David Ray Griffin.
Also, please circulate this suggestion to other interested groups and citizens. In my opinion, Dr. Griffin is an especially credible and persuasive person to begin generating broader public interest in and discussion of unresolved 911 issues. If C-Span covers Dr. Griffin, there might then be more public openness to and coverage of other authors and investigators on whom Dr. Griffin has relied.
Sincerely yours,
Ron Rattner, retired attorney
San Francisco
C-Span Letter
Re: Dr. David Ray Griffin; "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions"
Dear Brian Lamb,
Thank you, very much for C-Span and for your excellent and informative journalism thereon. C-Span has become for me, and for countless others, an indispensable part of our participation in the democratic process.
On April 30 and May 7, '05, C-Span's Book TV aired the subject lecture given at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. [See: ]
I found the lecture extremely credible and very important, and am convinced that the issues raised by Dr. Griffin need to be part of our nation's democratic discussion.
Yesterday, 5/26/05, during your Washington Journal interview of Lee Hamilton, several callers mentioned Dr. Griffin's Madison speech and confronted Mr. Hamilton with some of the issues raised by Dr. Griffin. One or two callers urged you to interview Dr. Griffin concerning the 911 Commission's findings. Although you apparently didn't know about Dr. Griffin or his book, you were open to learning of his contentions.
Professor Griffin is a recently retired Christian theologian who had published over twenty religious/philosophical books before writing "The New Pearl Harbor" and "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions". He had never been a political activist, and wrote these books out of moral compulsion, in the belief that his personal history and impeccable academic and publishing credentials would lend credibility to the issues being raised, and thereby bring them to the attention of the greater public. Apparently, that did not begin happening until C-Span aired the Madison lecture.
Together with yesterday's callers, I urge you to include Dr. Griffin in future Washington Journal (or other) programming. As we near the first anniversary of the July 22, '04 publication of the 911 Commission's Report, it is important that we have serious public discussion of that report, which Mr. Hamilton yesterday characterized as a 'beginning' of such discussion.
With thanks for your consideration of this request and for all you do in the public interest, I am
Ron Rattner, retir