BREAKING NEWS: Gen. Myers, Rumsfeld Grilled On Missing Money, War Games, Sex Trade


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Gen. Myers, Sec. Rumsfeld and DoD Comproller Grilled on Missing Money, War Games and Sex Trade

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On Thursday, March 10, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, recently returned to the House for a sixth term, posed several questions to General Myers (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and the DoD Comptroller Tina Jones for which none had fully forthcoming answers. The Congresswoman asked about defense contractor Dyncorp involvement in the sex trade, the missing trillions from the DoD ("undocumented adjustments from the late 90's) and who the contractors were who responsible for accounting at the Pentagon and finally one regarding the war games conducted by the Military coincident with the attacks of September 11th 2001.

These questions were raised during an Armed Services Committee hearing on the FY 2006 Budget for the Department of Defense (3/10/05) - Go to 25:15:00 in video archived at C-SPAN (see link below). Paraphrased Question 1: Why does Dyncorp continue to recieve contracts from the DoD while it engages in the sex trade? Question 2: Who has the contracts for the accounting at the Pentagon where trillions of dollars are missing? Questions 3, 4, 5: Did the four war games occuring on September 11th impair our ability to respond to the attacks? Who was responsible for managing those war games? and was a National Special Security Event declared for 9/11/01?

Click on the title:

Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld in House Hearing on FY06 Dept. of Defense Budget Chairman Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and witnesses Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and JCS Chairman General Richard Myers hold a House Hearing on the FY 2006 Budget for the Department of Defense and Military Services.

3/10/2005: WASHINGTON, DC: 2 hr. 5 min.

NOTE: In the C-SPAN video stream Rep. Cynthia McKinney's question time begins at 25:15 and concludes at 33:36 (over three minutes over the five minute limit typically adhered to)

See other related stories posted on this site the past month. (Dayton open letter, Clarke open letter, "Chairman, I have a questions.") For details regarding the designation of a National Security Special Event see Chapter 24 of Crossing the Rubicon (p. 427). Please note that Chairman Myers did not answer specifically as to who was personally responsible for coordinating or managing the multiple war games that morning.

Chairman Myers mentioned several war games but none by name. He did not mention "Vigilant Warrior" (Warrior = FTX or "field training exercise") which according to Richard A. Clarke was what Myers named as the 9/11 war game underway when the attacks began. This was during a video conference that at least according the Myers himself and the Commission he did not participate in. Who is lying? Myers and the Commission or Richard A. Clarke? There is no definitive account of 9/11 until this discrepancy in accounts is cleared up and the questions around the wargames are fully answered.
Oh my God did I love watching Rummy, Myers, and that Jonas lady squirm!!!

That's just classic right there. Cynthia McKinney is a one of a kind. It's too bad that's so true. I wish there were more like her asking those questions.
When Tina Jonas wouldn't tell her who had the defense contracts, and Cynthia said, "That's not priviledged information, is it?".... the look on Tina's face.... fucking priceless!!!

Then Myers saying the War Games helped on 9/11??!!! Yeah, obviously.... assuming that no U.S. gov't involvement happened.... 4 airplanes are directed off-course (something that has never happened before), no contact can be made, and it took 45 mins/ 1 hour or longer for fighter jets to assemble and investigate?? Some of the airbases were right next door to the Pentagon and New York remember....
Good Doctor HST said:
Oh my God did I love watching Rummy, Myers, and that Jonas lady squirm!!!

That's just classic right there. Cynthia McKinney is a one of a kind. It's too bad that's so true. I wish there were more like her asking those questions.
When Tina Jonas wouldn't tell her who had the defense contracts, and Cynthia said, "That's not priviledged information, is it?".... the look on Tina's face.... fucking priceless!!!

Then Myers saying the War Games helped on 9/11??!!! Yeah, obviously.... assuming that no U.S. gov't involvement happened.... 4 airplanes are directed off-course (something that has never happened before), no contact can be made, and it took 45 mins/ 1 hour or longer for fighter jets to assemble and investigate?? Some of the airbases were right next door to the Pentagon and New York remember....

I remember...
National Special Security Event
It is the Secret Service who has the legal mandate to take supreme command in case of a scheduled major event - or an unplanned major emergency - on American soil; these are designated "National Special Security Events." The Atlanta Olympic Games and the Republican & Democratic National Conventions are notable examples of NSSE's. In preparation, the Secret Service runs training initiatives of simulated attacks and field exercises for such events. 4

The Secret Service works with state and local authorities as well as the military to coordinate security efforts; it has the best communication system of any agency in the country; and its personnel are always present with both the President and Vice President - making it the perfect agency to take supreme command in case of a major emergency on American soil. 5

When 9/11 occurred, the legal framework was in place to allow the Secret Service to take supreme command over any and all American agencies, including the Air Force. 6

Richard Clarke writes in Against All Enemies: "I was amazed at the speed of the decisions coming from Cheney and, through him, from Bush." 7 This is to be expected. Everything was in place for the Commander in Chief to be calling all the shots as the 9/11 plot unfolded, but Bush was in an elementary school reading about goats with Secret Service agents right beside him.

"It would enhance the response" according to General Myers...

As GD HST said, then why did it take close to an hour?

Use of Military Jets Jumps Since 9/11

Aircraft scrambled seven times as often to check on threats

The Associated Press
August 13, 2002

HERNDON, Va.— The military sent fighter jets to chase suspicious aircraft 462 times between Sept. 11 and June, nearly seven times as often as the 67 scrambles from the same period a year earlier. More frequent scrambles are also faster in the tense new environment because the North American Aerospace Defense Command communicates better with the Federal Aviation Administration.

Oon Sept. 11, flight controllers suspected about 8:25 a.m. ET that American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston’s Logan Airport had been hijacked, but NORAD was not notified until 8:40 a.m. — six minutes before the plane struck the World Trade Center in New York City.

Today, NORAD would know instantaneously of a suspected hijacking, officials said Monday.

“NORAD is now linked up telephonically 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so anything that’s an anomaly or a suspected anomaly that’s found in the system, NORAD knows about it as quickly as we do,” said David Canoles, the FAA’s manager of air traffic evaluations and investigations.

At a NORAD operations center in Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, Colo., a noncommissioned officer listens to conversations on the FAA network from all over the United States, said Maj. Douglas Martin, a NORAD spokesman.

“If he hears anything that indicates difficulty in the skies, we begin the staff work to scramble,” Martin said. Before Sept. 11, the FAA had to telephone NORAD about any possible hijackings.

In June, Air Force jets scrambled three times to intercept small private planes that had wandered into restricted airspace around the White House and around Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland.

Jet fighters approaching a suspicious plane might radio the pilot, dip their wings or simply identify the aircraft and break off, Martin said. No intercepted planes have been fired upon since Sept. 11, he said. For that, an order must come from President Bush, Defense Secretary Secretary Donald Rumsfeld or two designated Air Force generals.

FAA officials held news conferences Monday in Boston, New York and Washington, giving chronological accounts of the terrorist attacks and how they forced an unprecedented shutdown of the U.S. skies.

Air traffic controllers noticed nothing odd on Sept. 11 until communications fell silent with Flight 11 25 minutes after the plane took off at 8 a.m.

“We considered it at that time to be a possible hijacking,” air traffic manager Glenn Michael said.

The FAA notified NORAD 15 minutes later; three minutes after that, NORAD was told that United Airlines Flight 175 had been hijacked.

The first two military interceptors, Air Force F-15 Eagles from Otis Air Force Base in Massachusetts, scrambled airborne at 8:52 a.m., too late to do anything about the second jet heading for the Trade Center or a third heading toward the Pentagon.

Mike McCormick, air traffic control manager at the New York Center — the main control center for the area — made the unprecedented decision at 9:04 a.m. to declare “ATC Zero,” meaning no aircraft could fly into, out of or through the airspace over New York and the western Atlantic Ocean.

He made the decision after the second plane, United Flight 175, crashed into the World Trade Center. McCormick said that the Boeing 757’s transponder was working and that he knew where it was headed, even before the Newark, N.J., airport control tower picked it up visually as it turned and headed back toward the twin towers.

At 9:45 a.m., after the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had been struck by the hijacked planes, the FAA ordered all of the more than 4,000 aircraft in the skies over the United States to land at the nearest airport.

Copyright © 2002

From The Center For Cooperative Research

2000 (C)* Complete 911 Timeline
During this year, there are 425 unknowns—pilots who didn't file or diverted from flight plans or used the wrong frequency. Fighters are scrambled in response 129 times. After 9/11, such scrambles go from about twice a week to three or four times a day. [Calgary Herald, 10/13/01] Between September 2000 and June 2001, fighters are scrambled 67 times. [AP, 8/13/02] General Ralph E. Eberhart, NORAD Commander in Chief, says that before 9/11, “Normally, our units fly 4-6 sorties a month in support of the NORAD air defense mission.” [FNS, 10/25/01] Statistics on how many minutes fighters take to scramble before 9/11 apparently are not released.
What Michael Meacher, Member Of Parliament Had To Say About This

"All of this makes it all the more astonishing - on the war on terrorism perspective - that there was such slow reaction on September 11 itself. The first hijacking was suspected at not later than 8.20am, and the last hijacked aircraft crashed in Pennsylvania at 10.06am. Not a single fighter plane was scrambled to investigate from the US Andrews airforce base, just 10 miles from Washington DC, until after the third plane had hit the Pentagon at 9.38 am. Why not? There were standard FAA intercept procedures for hijacked aircraft before 9/11. Between September 2000 and June 2001 the US military launched fighter aircraft on 67 occasions to chase suspicious aircraft (AP, August 13 2002). It is a US legal requirement that once an aircraft has moved significantly off its flight plan, fighter planes are sent up to investigate."

In other words, you don't need permission to intercept planes.
Ok, so let me get this straight... According to General Myers regarding the War Games, "It would enhance the response".

So... the average response time is over an hour?

That's how long it took planes to respond on 9/11. Is that normal or better than average? I think it's a horrible response time for an enhanced response, don't you?

I sure hope the average response time is A LOT better than that, don't you?
And here's another thing real quick.

There's this cop-out that seems to be popular: Nothing like 9/11 ever happened before, it could never even be imagined.....

Okay, first of all.... IT WAS!!!! Look at the training wargames no-one wants to talk about.

Second of all, does that make it right for the people in charge to have their heads up their collective asses?! If they did, where are the firings? Why are those people within the system being promoted? Like Ralph Eberhart; Commander of Chief at NORAD during 9/11, he became the head of Northern Command the year after. Or Richard Myers, who went from acting chair of JCS to Chairman of JCS a couple days later. Or Ben Sliney, who didn't think Air Force One needed military support while in the air during the attacks. Not that Bush was in any trouble or anything.....
Good Doctor HST said:
And here's another thing real quick.

There's this cop-out that seems to be popular: Nothing like 9/11 ever happened before, it could never even be imagined.....

Okay, first of all.... IT WAS!!!! Look at the training wargames no-one wants to talk about.

Second of all, does that make it right for the people in charge to have their heads up their collective asses?! If they did, where are the firings? Why are those people within the system being promoted? Like Ralph Eberhart; Commander of Chief at NORAD during 9/11, he became the head of Northern Command the year after. Or Richard Myers, who went from acting chair of JCS to Chairman of JCS a couple days later. Or Ben Sliney, who didn't think Air Force One needed military support while in the air during the attacks. Not that Bush was in any trouble or anything.....

No one has been held accountable... hence the reason I'm so pissed off. ;)
Here's the transcript for this...

Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld in House Hearing on FY06 Dept. of Defense Budget
Chairman Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and witnesses Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and JCS Chairman General Richard Myers hold a House Hearing on the FY 2006 Budget for the Department of Defense and Military Services. 3/11/2005: WASHINGTON, DC: 2 hr. 5 min. CMK: Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA)
DR: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
RM: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers
TJ: Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Tina Jonas
DH: Chairman Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA)

CMK: Thank you Mr. Chairman. Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade. The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business. But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children. While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it [the] policy of the U.S. Government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?

That’s my first question. My second question, Mr. Secretary: according to the Comptroller General of the United States, there are serious financial management problems at the Pentagon, to which Mr. Cooper alluded.

Fiscal Year 1999: $2.3 trillion missing.

Fiscal Year 2000, $1.1 trillion missing.

And DoD is the number one reason why the government can’t balance its checkbook. The Pentagon has claimed year after year that the reason it can’t account for the money is because its computers don’t communicate with each other.

My second question, Mr. Secretary, is who has the contracts today, to make those systems communicate with each other? How long have they had those contracts, and how much have the taxpayers paid for them?

Finally Mr. Secretary, after the last Hearing, I thought that my office was promised a written response to my question regarding the four wargames on September 11th. I have not yet received that response, but would like for you to respond to the questions that I’ve put to you today. And then I do expect the written response to my previous question — hopefully by the end of the week.

DR: Thank you, Representative. First, the answer to your first question is, is, no, absolutely not, the policy of the United States Government is clear, unambiguous, and opposed to the activities that you described. The second question —

CMK: Well how do you explain the fact that DynCorp and its successor companies have received and continue to receive government contracts?

DR: I would have to go and find the facts, but there are laws and rules and regulations with respect to government contracts, and there are times that corporations do things they should not do, in which case they tend to be suspended for some period; there are times then that the – under the laws and the rules and regulations for the – passed by the Congress and implemented by the Executive branch – that corporations can get off of – out of the penalty box if you will, and be permitted to engage in contracts with the government. They’re generally not barred in perpetuity —

CMK: This contract – this company – was never in the penalty box. If you could proceed to my second question, please.

DR: The second question — I’ve forgotten what the second question was.

CMK: I think Ms. Jonas knows it.

DR: Okay.

TJ: Thank you Ms. McKinney. I appreciate the question and I appreciate your interest in our Department’s financial condition. We are working very hard on that program. I’ve just come back, recently —

CMK: I understand that you’re working hard on it, but my question was who has the contract? How long have they had that contract, and how much money have we spent on it?

TJ: There are — In general we spend about $20 billion dollars in the Department on information technology systems. The accounting systems are part of that. I can get you the exact number for the record, of what we spend on our current, what we call “legacy systems,” and those that we’re moving toward.

CMK: And who has the contract?

TJ: That would be a multitude of individuals that have —

CMK: Could you name some, please?

TJ: Well, I think of the top of the, off the top of my head, well, I would rather not; I’d rather provide that for the record.

CMK: That’s not privileged information, is it?

TJ: I’m sure it’s not.

CMK: Well, please. We still have time, so, please.

TJ: I would be glad to provide for the record; I don’t want to talk from the top of my head and be incorrect.

DR: On your first question, I’m advised by Dr. Chu that it was not the corporation that was engaged in the activities you characterized but I’m told it was an employee of the corporation, and it was some years ago in the Balkans that that took place.

CKM: It’s my understanding that it continues to take place, and that —

DR: Is that right?

CKM: Yes.

DR: Well if you can give me information to that effect, we will —

CMK: I’m sure you are interested in all of the information that I have and I’ll be more than happy to provide it to you.

DR: Good. Thank you.

CMK: But I would also like to get information from you, for example, the information that I just requested about who has those contracts.

DH: Let me assure the gentlelady that we’ll make sure that this exchange of information takes place and that, Mr. Secretary if you can get back with us on the DynCorp —

DR: We will —

DH: — story, we’ll get that to the gentlelady.

CMK: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

DR: We’ll get back on both of the first two questions but the Congresswoman has raised the other question twice now, and I’d like to have general Myers respond, because you mentioned it in the last Hearing and I think it’d be helpful to get the answer even though we’re on red, if you don’t mind, Mr. Chairman?

DH: General Myers, go right ahead.

CMK: But I would like to have the answer in writing as well, as I thought my office was promised.

RM: Okay I don’t know about the promise, Congresswoman, but could you repeat the question to make sure I’m answering the right question; this is a 9/11 question.

CMK: The question was, we had four wargames going on on September 11th, and the question that I tried to pose before the Secretary had to go to lunch was whether or not the activities of the four wargames going on on September 11th actually impaired our ability to respond to the attacks.

RM: The answer to the question is no, it did not impair our response, in fact General Eberhart who was in the command of the North American Aerospace Defense Command as he testified in front of the 9/11 Commission I believe – I believe he told them that it enhanced our ability to respond, given that NORAD didn’t have the overall responsibility for responding to the attacks that day. That was an FAA responsibility. But they were two CPXs; there was one Department of Justice exercise that didn’t have anything to do with the other three; and there was an actual operation ongoing because there was some Russian bomber activity up near Alaska. So we —

CMK: Let me ask you this, then: who was in charge of managing those wargames?

DH: General, why don’t you give the best answer that you can here in a short a period of time and we’ll – the gentlelady wants to get a written answer anyway, and then we can move on to other folks.

RM: The important thing to realize is that North American Aerospace Defense Command was responsible. These are command post exercises; what that means is that all the battle positions that are normally not filled are indeed filled; so it was an easy transition from an exercise into a real world situation. It actually enhanced the response; otherwise, it would take somewhere between 30 minutes and a couple of hours to fill those positions, those battle stations, with the right staff officers.

CMK: Mr. Chairman, begging your indulgence, was September Eleventh declared a National Security Special Event day?

RM: I have to look back; I do not know. Do you mean after the fact, or

CMK: No. Because of the activities going on that had been scheduled at the United Nations that day.

RM: I’d have to go back and check. I don’t know. For C-SPAN video streaming of the hearing go to:,&ArchiveDays=100
Look for Hunter chaired hearing on FY2006 Defense Budget

See also: Open letters to Richard A. Clarke and Senator Dayton.

For more information on the question of a National Special Security Event posed by Rep. McKinney see Chapter 24 of Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert.

PRESS: Who will have the courage to resolve the discrepancy between accounts of the leadership offered repectively by Richard A. Clarke, Gen. Myers, Sec. Rumsfeld and the 9/11 Commission? There can be no definitive account or credible official story until this question is answered.

What might be the most important answer to get is who personally was responsible for scheduling the wargames for September 11th?
Did everybody notice that Rumsfeld denied having dealings with companies that deal with the sex trade/slavery, and today this article came out. Did everyone notice that General Myers never answered who was in charge of the wargames taking place that day?