Bill Maher And Guests Discuss Bush's Actions On 9/11 - Video Inside

Thanks for the link. One mistake I made in 2004 was to recommend that people watch Fahrenheit 9/11 when I should have been more direct and asked them to watch footage of Bush reading a book for 7 minutes.
Well... there were some problems with this exchange. I'll be back in a minute to tell you about them.
I watched the Bill Maher discussion. There were several tidbits that were distorted. Bill Maher said the President had no idea what was going on before Andrew Card whispered in his ear "America is under attack (when he probably said, "Everything is going according to plan").

As we all know, the President was aware of the first plane striking the WTC at the time he left his Hotel to go to the Elementary school. We know he received a phone call from Condoleezza Rice when he arrived at the school. We know when he came out of his conversation with Condi that he told the Principal of the school that a commercial airliner struck the WTC, and we're going to go ahead as scheduled.

Keep in mind, the first sign of trouble was at 8:14am I believe. Bush arrived at Booker Elementary at about 9am. You mean to tell me that 45 minutes after the first sign of the trouble, the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR had NO IDEA at that point that "hijackings" were taking place?

I would be VERY interested to know EXACTLY what was said between Condi and Bush.

Let's also remember that George Tenet somehow "knew" after the first plane struck the tower that "this has bin Laden's fingerprints all over it".

You mean to tell me that the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR, the person who informs the President when the nation's security is threatened, had absolutely "no idea" what was taking place at the time of the phone call to the President?

The greatest part of the discussion was when Bill Maher said to the Repub from California, (paraphrasing) 'You mean to tell me if Bill Clinton sat there for 7 minutes, you wouldn't be all over him?'..... and that dude just FROZE??? So telling....
Good Doctor HST said:
The greatest part of the discussion was when Bill Maher said to the Repub from California, (paraphrasing) 'You mean to tell me if Bill Clinton sat there for 7 minutes, you wouldn't be all over him?'..... and that dude just FROZE??? So telling....

Yup... that was an embarrassment.
It is also notable that Bill is apparently not much of a 9/11 truther, but the best counterargument he had was "Oh, come on".
Bill Maher AVOIDS 9/11

ZachM said:
It is also notable that Bill is apparently not much of a 9/11 truther, but the best counterargument he had was "Oh, come on".

Bill Maher seems to be very up to date on just about every political event EXCEPT 9/11. I've yet to see him touch anything even remotely controversial concerning 9/11. He's obviously been told to keep quiet or he's censoring himself to avoid any heat.
I find it next to impossible to believe that he's so well read on so many political subjects, both past and present, and yet he knows nothing about what's been revealed about 9/11. This is very inconsistent. He's made it known that he knows that JFK was rubbed out in an elaborate US government conspiracy, and yet can't possibly imagine subsequent coup de tats? He doesn't know anything about many of the "hijackers" having been proved to be alive? He never heard or saw the Silverstein admission ("we pulled the building")? He's never seen any commercial news footage where reporters mentioned that various bombs had been found in the building? He never heard of any admissions by many firefighters who were actually in the buildings that day talking about how they heard bombs going off all around them? He's not curious why no one STILL hasn't seen the Pentagon crash in its entirety? He finds the ILLEGAL destruction of the leftover WTC debris to not be suspicious? Not ONE person has approached him and tried to show him the inconsistencies and coverup?
BULLSHIT!!! Remember, he has been the **ONLY** person to date to be fired over 9/11!!! Perhaps that still remains rather fresh in his mind, and maybe he'd rather not have a repeat and see his Real Time show cancelled too. Because I'm sure that if that DID happen, he could pretty much kiss his showbiz career goodbye.
And we all know that, when presented with that fork in the road, that celebrities will choose to hold on to their careers over wrecking it in the search for 9/11 truth..
That was hillarious when Maher asked the senator if he thought it was okay if Clinton did the same thing and he was left speechless.

Regarding Maher not being much of a 9/11 Truther, yeah he does know a shit load of facts but they mainly come from newspapers. And newspapers don't talk about 9/11 stuff.