I watched the Bill Maher discussion. There were several tidbits that were distorted. Bill Maher said the President had no idea what was going on before Andrew Card whispered in his ear "America is under attack (when he probably said, "Everything is going according to plan").
As we all know, the President was aware of the first plane striking the WTC at the time he left his Hotel to go to the Elementary school. We know he received a phone call from Condoleezza Rice when he arrived at the school. We know when he came out of his conversation with Condi that he told the Principal of the school that a commercial airliner struck the WTC, and we're going to go ahead as scheduled.
Keep in mind, the first sign of trouble was at 8:14am I believe. Bush arrived at Booker Elementary at about 9am. You mean to tell me that 45 minutes after the first sign of the trouble, the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR had NO IDEA at that point that "hijackings" were taking place?
I would be VERY interested to know EXACTLY what was said between Condi and Bush.
Let's also remember that George Tenet somehow "knew" after the first plane struck the tower that "this has bin Laden's fingerprints all over it".
You mean to tell me that the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR, the person who informs the President when the nation's security is threatened, had absolutely "no idea" what was taking place at the time of the phone call to the President?