Alex Jones On The Alan Colmes Radio Show - Audio Inside

i applaud Alan Colmes for at least listening and asking questions, unlike Sean Hannity who would just sit there, call you names and wouldn't give two shits about the evidence.
he was close enough, but i don't remember Russia being a part of it. only thought it was Cuba.
I haven't listened to this yet, so I can't comment on what he says about Northwoods - but - I find this is a problem with Jones somethimes. He'll rip something out of its context, or mangle a quote to suit his own ends. The most recent example that's fresh in my mind was when he was interviewing Jimmy Walter a couple of days ago. We all know Alex believes that Bush et al are manic Satan Worshipers - and he cited Hugo Chavez saying Bush was "Devil Worshipper" to show that 'even Chavez knows' - but its obvious that Chavez's rhetorical flourishes are just that, rhetoric - jokes aimed at making fun of Bush, not a biting insight into the private lives of those occupying 1600 Pensylvania Avenue.
Partridge said:
I haven't listened to this yet, so I can't comment on what he says about Northwoods - but - I find this is a problem with Jones somethimes. He'll rip something out of its context, or mangle a quote to suit his own ends. The most recent example that's fresh in my mind was when he was interviewing Jimmy Walter a couple of days ago. We all know Alex believes that Bush et al are manic Satan Worshipers - and he cited Hugo Chavez saying Bush was "Devil Worshipper" to show that 'even Chavez knows' - but its obvious that Chavez's rhetorical flourishes are just that, rhetoric - jokes aimed at making fun of Bush, not a biting insight into the private lives of those occupying 1600 Pensylvania Avenue.
I doubt Laura Bush knows anything about Yale,Skull & Bones and the Bohemian Grove. Chavez has probably been invited to the Grove and offered in to the Elite club he's sitting on the 5th largest oil reserve in the world.