Alex Jones Interviews Mike Malloy - Audio Inside

Tell ya what. I agree, and I will fight if it comes to that. But it really doesn't matter. I have some of the best weapons you can legally buy today. (Mossberg 12 ga autoloader, Remington 3006 semi just to name a few) I would last about 10 secs in an armed confrontation, even if there were 10 ppl similarly* armed sitting right next to me. I have firsthand knowlege of military hardware. Colt M-4 with granade launcher, 50cal. sniper rifle, (just to name a few) and those are just the GUNS. I saw at the RNC the enormous audio disrupters they had to stop people without the trouble of gassing them, though they had plenty of that too. Not to mention beanbag guns and tazers. I can't imagine what this would turn into if it got violent here. Oh, wait, yes I can... A fucking slaughter. We are so outgunned it's sad. Unless the military had ALOT of dissention, we'd be screwed. You have no idea how much I pray that it never comes to that and is solved peacefully. Well SEMI-peacefully, cause there is a list of people that need a good ol fashioned hanging.
Nice arsenal.

Intersting comment Jones made about people in the media who sympathis with 9/11 Truth but have to make them look crazy so they can plug there site on there show.