Abramoff Lobbying Partner Agrees To Testify Against Abramoff


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Abramoff lobbying partner agrees to testify against Abramoff



Michael Scanlon has agreed to testify against one-time business partner Jack Abramoff in any future criminal case involving the ex-lobbying superstar, ROLL CALL reported Friday afternoon. Excerpts.

The Justice Department has filed a “criminal information” document in federal court related to Scanlon, and there will be a hearing before a federal judge Monday afternoon.

At that time, Scanlon is expected to plead guilty to one felony count of conspiracy. Scanlon, a former aide to Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), would them testify against Abramoff and anyone else indicted in the case, according to Justice Department sources.

According to the criminal information document, Scanlon’s alleged illegal activities are linked to Abramoff and Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio), although neither is named in the indictment. Only “Representative #1” and “Lobbyist A” are mentioned, although media reports and testimony before the Senate Indian Affairs Committee make clear the inference is to the two men.