Able Danger's Computer Found Condoleeza Rice To Be A Threat


Staff member
Military "Spied" On Rice

(Gold9472: Computers are not racist. If it finds a connection, it finds a connection, regardless of where it came from.)


August 27, 2005 -- WASHINGTON — Cyber-sleuths working for a Pentagon intelligence unit that reportedly identified some of the 9/11 hijackers before the attack were fired by military officials, after they mistakenly pinpointed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other prominent Americans as potential security risks, The Post has learned.

The private contractors working for the counter-terrorism unit Able Danger lost their jobs in May 2000. The firings following a series of analyses that Pentagon lawyers feared were dangerously close to violating laws banning the military from spying on Americans, sources said.

The Pentagon canceled its contract with the private firm shortly after the analysts — who were working on identifying al Qaeda operatives — produced a particularly controversial chart on proliferation of sensitive technology to China, the sources said.

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, the veteran Army officer who was the Defense Intelligence Agency liaison to Able Danger, told The Post China "had something to do" with the decision to restructure Able Danger.

Sources said the private contractors, using sophisticated computer software that sifts through massive amounts of raw data to establish patterns, came up with a chart of Chinese strategic and business connections in the U.S.

The program wrongly tagged Rice, who at the time was an adviser to then-candidate George W. Bush, and former Defense Secretary William Perry by linking their associations at Stanford, along with their contacts with Chinese leaders, sources said.

The program also spat out scores of names of other former government officials with legitimate ties to China, as well as prominent American businessmen. There was no suggestion that Rice or any of the others had done anything wrong.

A Pentagon official said last night that, while the canned contractors worked for Able Danger, the China project was separate from the counter-terrorism assignment.

The Able Danger work was transferred to another Department of Defense contractor — and the program quietly expired later that year when it was completed, the official said.

The China chart was put together by James Smith, who confirmed yesterday that his contract with the military was canceled and he was fired from his company because the military brass became concerned about the focus on U.S. citizens.

"It was shut down in a matter of hours. The colonel said our service was no longer needed and told me: 'You just ended my career.' "

Smith also claims his team came up with 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta's name and photo in 2000.
The New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, FYI...

Based on what the article is saying, the computer database that Able Danger used came up with targets of interest. I'm sure the computer isn't racist in it's findings... it probably cross matched financial transactions, or business connections, and came out with Condi. Remember... Condi came from Chevron, and even had an oil tanker named after her. IN MY OPINION, I'm sure she's had A LOT of shady dealings, etc...
NY Post: Better a Bad Story than None at All (Able Danger)

Posted by John Armor on August 27, 2005 - 12:35.

Today’s New York Post (27 August) carries a story by Niles Lathem entitled “Military ‘Spied’ on Rice.” The good news is that the story ran at all. The bad news is the reporter demonstrated a brass-plated ignorance of how the Able Danger program operated.

The lede from this article says, “Cyber-sleuths working for a Pentagon intelligence unit that reportedly identified some of the 9/11 hijackers before the attack were fired by military officials, after they mistakenly pinpointed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other prominent Americans as potential security risks....”

Able Danger is/was a computer program which does not target or “pinpoint” or “spy” on anyone. The very use of these verbs demonstrates a gross failure to understand Able Danger, and why it is a very powerful investigative tool. To use an example every reporter is well aware of, consider Google News.

This is a computer program that examines a huge data base, namely the entire output thousands of American and foreign news sources. It uses algorithms to find commonalities in that data. That’s how Google identifies the news subjects most often discussed at any time, and comes up with a lead story on that subject and hundreds of others on the same subject. Google “targets” nothing. It simply identifies patterns in the data.

Able Danger works the same way, except with a much larger data base. It might include an arrest record in Bangkok, a speech given in Hamburg, a government document in Iran. The algorithms, however, are similar – find all associations between names, subjects, dates and places. Such a program would naturally show anyone working in international relations, such as Dr. Condi Rice and Dr. Henry Kissinger, as “connected” to China and to all other major foreign powers.

That does not mean that such people are “potential security risks.” Once the computer is finished, humans can enter the picture and eliminate false conclusions that the computer – not knowing Condi Rice from Mata Hari – has made. If Able Danger was shut down during the Clinton Administration for developed associations with China, the radioactive names in the data were more likely Bernard Schwarz, Loral, and Mochtar Riyadi, not Condi Rice.

It is good to see more major media examination of Able Danger – what it was, why it was shut down, and why some are trying to bury the story now. It is unfortunate that most of the press doesn’t yet understand how it worked. Think Google News. Multiply by a million. Then you have it.

[email protected]
Gold9472 said:
The New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, FYI...

Based on what the article is saying, the computer database that Able Danger used came up with targets of interest. I'm sure the computer isn't racist in it's findings... it probably cross matched financial transactions, or business connections, and came out with Condi. Remember... Condi came from Chevron, and even had an oil tanker named after her. IN MY OPINION, I'm sure she's had A LOT of shady dealings, etc...

Let's watch that libelous wording..:)
Here's my thought, I am not gonna hop on this "Abel Danger" bandwagon and start claiming responsibility to any side.

It's easy in hind sight to place blame and point finger at everyone. But it hard when to have two politcial powers fighting and blocking each other to make their party look better. Part of their in fighting might have resulted in Al Quedas success.

And it's probably nothing that these cybergeeks identified Condi, I am sure they were cross referencing business dealings and travels to certain Countries to ID threats, hence the reason they came up with multiple political bigwigs on both side of the fence.
Tyler Durden said:
Here's my thought, I am not gonna hop on this "Abel Danger" bandwagon and start claiming responsibility to any side.

It's easy in hind sight to place blame and point finger at everyone. But it hard when to have two politcial powers fighting and blocking each other to make their party look better. Part of their in fighting might have resulted in Al Quedas success.

And it's probably nothing that these cybergeeks identified Condi, I am sure they were cross referencing business dealings and travels to certain Countries to ID threats, hence the reason they came up with multiple political bigwigs on both side of the fence.

I hear what you're saying, but Able Danger was "established by the Special Operations Command in 1999, under a classified directive issued by Gen. Hugh Shelton, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to assemble information about Al Qaeda networks around the world".

If their purpose was to focus on "Al-Qaeda", then the computer they had must have specialized in "Terrorism" or "Al-Qaeda". That means if they came across something that involved Condoleeza Rice, then logically, Condoleeza Rice has connections to "Terrorism" or "Al-Qaeda".
Gold9472 said:
I hear what you're saying, but Able Danger was "established by the Special Operations Command in 1999, under a classified directive issued by Gen. Hugh Shelton, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to assemble information about Al Qaeda networks around the world".

If their purpose was to focus on "Al-Qaeda", then the computer they had must have specialized in "Terrorism" or "Al-Qaeda". That means if they came across something that involved Condoleeza Rice, then logically, Condoleeza Rice has connections to "Terrorism" or "Al-Qaeda".

It doesn't say anything about a "super-computer" that did the tracking, it says cyber-sleuths. Either way it's not like the terrorists walk around with computer strings that yell "Al Qaeda" these people had to do leg work and cross referencing, and a politician that is in the oil business would have lots of important ties that could get their names included in a list of Middle Easterners.
Tyler Durden said:
It doesn't say anything about a "super-computer" that did the tracking, it says cyber-sleuths. Either way it's not like the terrorists walk around with computer strings that yell "Al Qaeda" these people had to do leg work and cross referencing, and a politician that is in the oil business would have lots of important ties that could get their names included in a list of Middle Easterners.

Here's what Shaffer said, "The DIA team used data mining, parallel processing and other cutting-edge computer technology from 1999 through early 2001. By charting the movements and transactions of suspected terrorists, a link was established between Atta and al-Qaida, and the defense intelligence team concluded that the Sept. 11 hijacker, and two others individuals, were part of a New York-based terror cell."

Heh... a local paper.
Gold9472 said:

Like I said, I am not comfortable jumping on the "Able Danger" bandwagon yet. It would be easy for any right winger to run with it and say Clinton's Administration was at fault. I will say it is interesting, but I would rather wait to see what they can dig up before I start placing any blame.

Please remember what I told you when I came here, please don't drag me into discussions as the "token conservative" I would honestly rather not discuss politics at all to be honest, just tired of the ring-around-the-rosey game. It goes around in a circle with no progress. no one gives any slack
Tyler Durden said:
Like I said, I am not comfortable jumping on the "Able Danger" bandwagon yet. It would be easy for any right winger to run with it and say Clinton's Administration was at fault. I will say it is interesting, but I would rather wait to see what they can dig up before I start placing any blame.

Please remember what I told you when I came here, please don't drag me into discussions as the "token conservative" I would honestly rather not discuss politics at all to be honest, just tired of the ring-around-the-rosey game. It goes around in a circle with no progress. no one gives any slack

Absolutely, as it turns out, I have found conservative rags that have Jamie Gorelick's name mentioned as one of the people who blocked the attorney's because Atta supposedly had a green card, which he didn't.

So as it stands right now... Condoleeza Rice's name may have come up in a "terrorist/Al-Qaeda" computer, Jamie Gorelick may have blocked attorney's from telling the FBI to investigate the cell based on a lie, Able Danger may have come across some "Protected Heroine Trafficking", and the contractors affiliated with Able Danger were fired not long after.
Gold9472 said:
Absolutely, as it turns out, I have found conservative rags that have Jamie Gorelick's name mentioned as one of the people who blocked the attorney's because Atta supposedly had a green card, which he didn't.

So as it stands right now... Condoleeza Rice's name may have come up in a "terrorist/Al-Qaeda" computer, Jamie Gorelick may have blocked attorney's from telling the FBI to investigate the cell based on a lie, Able Danger may have come across some "Protected Heroine trafficking", and the contractors affiliated with Able Danger fired not long after.

I won't say that info isn't interesting, then I would be lying. I really hope it does lead to some answers, regardless who it buries. If it's Clinton or Bush appointiees that dropped the ball, or both they need to own up.
Tyler Durden said:
I won't say that info isn't interesting, then I would be lying. I really hope it does lead to some answers, regardless who it buries. If it's Clinton or Bush appointiees that dropped the ball, or both they need to own up.

The information I just presented was just the facts laid out. If it's ALL true, then people should be arrested all over the place. If ANY of it's true, then people should be arrested all over the place. :)
Gold9472 said:
The information I just presented was just the facts laid out. If it's ALL true, then people should be arrested all over the place. If ANY of it's true, then people should be arrested all over the place. :)

at the least they have alot f explaining to do. they have been sitting on this info for 4 years now.