9/11 Truth News With Turbo Ted - Video Inside

permalink for that story: http://www.storytoday.tv/pages/20060502.html

transcript for 911 segment:
the film united 93 came in second in U.S. box office receipts
over the weekend, grossing more than eleven million dollars.
9/11 truth advocates have been calling it MYTH or a blatant
propaganda film. the story relies on scientific impossiblities,
like transcripts from cell phone calls at 33,000 feet, which were
not possible over north america five years ago. others are quick
to mention that the film was produced by universal, which is
owned by nbc, which is owned by general electric, a massive
weapons contractor that relies on the escalation of the long war
for profitability.


for the record, we'll run 911 related segments on our show if it's tied into current events, email our newsroom anytime at [email protected] with links, stories, etc.
terbo said:
permalink for that story: http://www.storytoday.tv/pages/20060502.html

transcript for 911 segment:
the film united 93 came in second in U.S. box office receipts
over the weekend, grossing more than eleven million dollars.
9/11 truth advocates have been calling it MYTH or a blatant
propaganda film. the story relies on scientific impossiblities,
like transcripts from cell phone calls at 33,000 feet, which were
not possible over north america five years ago. others are quick
to mention that the film was produced by universal, which is
owned by nbc, which is owned by general electric, a massive
weapons contractor that relies on the escalation of the long war
for profitability.


for the record, we'll run 911 related segments on our show if it's tied into current events, email our newsroom anytime at [email protected] with links, stories, etc.

SWEET TED! Thanks!
I just sent this in... it's 9/11 related...

Some 9/11 related news... :)


"When the government told a court Friday that it wanted a class-action lawsuit regarding the National Security Agency's eavesdropping on Americans dismissed, its lawyers wielded one of the most powerful legal tools available to the executive branch -- the state secrets privilege."

When else has the Bush Administration used the "State Secrets Privilege"

Sibel Edmonds

A woman gagged who has been quoted as saying....

"once this issue gets to be...investigated, you will be seeing certain [American] people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally"

"There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized"

"The American Public Have Not Heard Who Is The Real Culprit Behind 9/11"

Is it any wonder they used the "State Secrets Privilege" to gag her?


9/11 Truth News With Turbo Ted
Thanks to Ted

Click Here

convicted 911 conspirator Zacarias moussaoui was denied martyrdom today by a jury who instead decied on life in prison for the madman. At various times during his bizarre trial, it was clear he wished to be put to death, for his open hatred of america. we're showing you his face one more time, maybe you'll be scared that this dark skinned french man, who was in jail on september 11th, 2001, might somehow hurt you or your loved ones.

universal pictures has pulled the message boards from it's website, which is major victory for the 911 truth movement. universal's controversial hit movie 'united 93', which opened last weekend, came under furious attack on unversal's website, which apparently prompted the move. 911 truthies have a long list of complaints with thefilm, which has been labelled a piece of propaganda.