9/11 Family Members Patty Casazza And Bob McIlvaine - Video Inside


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9/11 Family Members Patty Casazza And Bob McIlvaine
Thanks to www.911hartford.org and Damon Bean

Click Here (GooTube)

This was quite literally the thrill of my lifetime. Patty Casazza, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for coming. Bob McIlvaine, thank you sir for committing yourself to this cause for so long. I love, and admire you both more than you could ever know.
Gold9472 said:
What did you think?

I would like to know more about the nature of the revelations. Why didn't you guys ask Patty to explain in more detail? Or did she basically say all she knows (which, don't get me wrong, is explosive testimony)?

Debunkers will say that the information in its current form is just hearsay.