This wouldn't be so bad if the guy didn't turn into a little bitch, keep repeating himself, and keep refering to his navy seal experience. I'd be the first to say OnA are full of shit about alot of this stuff, but now we have yet another mouthpiece for 911 truth that A: Is asking the wrong questions. And B: Loses credibility when he gets all flustered. I still think you could do it better Jon. I think if you could get back on, now they are more about disproving the "conspiracy" than they are about poking fun. You ask the questions that aren't about CD and the pentagon is what I mean...
Hannity is a douche. Having watched his appearance there, I can say he held it together a bit better there. So maybe it WAS Jim Norton that just pissed him off. He is a bit of an ass about that debate. I don't like how closed minded/ready to believe the official account they are. ANd I am not saying Jesse didn't make some good points either. The whole security failure on 911 concept is one he should be pushing more IMO.