Benazir Bhutto assassination: the blog reaction
Reactions gathered from the thousands of blog posts which started to appear minutes after Benazir Bhutto's death

Tom Whitwell

"All the roads leading to capital Islamabad have been barricaded and blocked and there are reports of collision of police with protesters." Updates from the streets at Pakistani Spectator

"They tried and failed when she returned to Pakistan in October. They tried and failed with a baby suicide bomber. Yesterday, they stopped a 15-year-old with a bomb packed full of nails trying to kill her. Today, they succeeded. Dammit, dammit, dammit." Michelle Malkin

"I hope that the killing of Benazir Bhutto will open the eyes of US and UK adminsitration and will allow political forces to grow rather Pakistan Army. I hope that the people of Pakistan would come to roads and will throw away Pakistan Army and its dirty establishment and ISI." Corrupt Pakistan

"All over the world, they should not be known or called or referred to as Islamic Militants. The word ISLAM should never be attached to refer to them, because what they have done is not Islamic at all. A shame on them and inshAllah a damnation in the fire of hell. " Germino

"How long will it take Musharraf to blame the assassination on al Qaeda? Should we wager not more than 24 hours?" Larisa Alexandrovna

"I apologize in advance people—I’m feeling a lot of anger right now—but Islam’s moniker, “Religion of Peace” has to be abandoned. I mean, how much murder and mayhem does it take before everyone wakes up? And I include Muslims in that statement. But you know, the truth is, it’s not really Islam; it’s the unrepentant, unconverted human soul that sows these deeds. Society may hate Jesus, but I love him and believe him to be the sole answer to humanity’s woes."

"I was hoping it was rumor. Her wounds were severe for sure, so I was truly hoping it was people either intentionally misreporting what had happened or it was just misinformation." Expat Jane

"Will this resurrect terrorism as an issue in the U.S. presidential election? At the very least, I assume her reputation outside of Pakistan as a friend of the U.S. and a representative of moderate Islam — now, to borrow a phrase, martyred — may grant her a legacy her actual record doesn’t necessarily warrant." Blog.pi

"Pakistan would be perfect for al-Qaeda since they have the bomb but fortunately two of our presidential candidates are ready to invade Pakistan to root out al-Qaeda (Obama and Huckabee -- funny how they're ready to talk with Iran but eager to invade Pakistan)." Reformed Chicks Blabbing

"I am disgusted to the point of nausea at the animals who would not only kill her, but blow up bombs in crowds, killing innocent men, women and children. Everyone take note: If this jihadi mentality isn’t crushed - not reasoned with, not negotiated with, not placated or bargained with - CRUSHED, then this is what the rest of the world will see in our very near future. Control by terror." Say Anything Blog

"I kind of thought it'd happen, but I'm still stunned. I don't think the human race deserves beacons of hope. We smash and break and blow them up. So to hell with us. We can sit in the damn dark, since that's apparently what we really want." Kim Paffenroth

"Her death is likely to force Pakistan and Islamic terrorism back into the forefront of debate both in Washington and on the campaign trail with the Iowa Caucuses now only a week away." WSJ Washington Wire

"Pakistan is doomed to become a battleground for muslim crazies believing in the cult of death." Richard Dows

"It is no exaggeration to say that WE are at least partially responsible for the deaths of both father and daughter, every bit as surely as we are somewhat responsible for creating the folks who hosted Osama" Reconstitution

"Who benefits most from the removal of Benazir Bhutto from the political scene in Pakistan? Of course, it is Bush's favorite Islamo-fascist dictator who actually has nuclear weapons, Pervez Musharraf." Dave Chandler

"While morons like Mitt Romney claim that without religion freedom is impossible, the plain fact is that with religion, freedom is unlikely." John Wilkins

"The ISI is a Frankenstein establishment under no body’s control. It has its own aims and objectives. It has Billions of US $ and arms at its disposal, thanks to American Aid, and its dealings in narcotics. It has many fanatics trained, equipped and brainwashed over many years through the Afghan War and later." Srijan Foundation