Quote Originally Posted by AuGmENTor
Everyone spins everything to their views. Even this board. I understand that we are not the news and that is not what we are here for (un-spun news). But show me ANY media that is un-spun.
Yes and no. Sure, everything is in some sense ideological. However, some things are just facts, however you frame them.

Were there wildfires in California this week? Yes. No amount of spin can change that. Now, there are many ways we can discuss those fires. Fox chooses to insinuate the involvement of al-Qaida. This is propagandistic, because it ignores all verifiable realities and pushes a point of view designed to coerce the audience into accepting the agenda of the ruling class.

See, Fox isn't just a "conservative" news network. It's pure propaganda. That's what puts me off about Fox. I may not be a "conservative" in some general sense, but I can still learn from conservative media.