Water fuel researchers tend to get their garages busted up and get bullets in their head from "robberies," but I think I already know AuGgie'd be bustin' some caps of his own. Keep a lookout for Suburbans with black tinted windows and 4 "government suits" in them!

(website's mainly to sell his book, but I'd call it worthwhile- you won't find many other sources for some of these articles)

(Roy McAlester is an AZ Engineering Professor who's been quietly driving around without gasoline for 16 years or so in his little D-50 pickup)



I'm personally getting pretty tired of Al Gore and his "Green" buddies telling me about the engineering particulars of why the "hydrogen economy" will never work- grrrr.... They need to go do a little more homework (on Stanley Meyer and Daniel Dingle and others).

I'm all for telling OPEC what they can do with all their messy crude though (my politics are errr- complicated, you could say).