What Ari Fleischer Had To Say About P-TECH At A Press Conference


Q How about the PTech raid in Boston? Could you talk about what, if any, role the White House had in overseeing this or even being involved in it? And also are you completely assured that there's no problems with any of the software that this company --

MR. FLEISCHER: Yes, thank you for asking that, because earlier at this morning's off-camera briefing, somebody said -- described this as White House orchestrated. And I went back and took a look at the actual report that accurately described it as White House coordinated, meaning the White House is coordinated with it. The White House didn't orchestrate this; this is a law enforcement matter.

But, as you can always imagine, and has happened before and you're very familiar and aware with it, that anything that may be terrorist related, of course, gets coordinated with the White House. The White House wants to know about things of this nature. But these things are done by the law enforcement community for law enforcement reasons and for law enforcement purposes, and that was the case here.

This is a law enforcement matter. The U.S. Attorney in Massachusetts is the proper authority to discuss any of this. It was a Customs Service operation involving the potential for terrorist connections in this company and, beyond that, it's law-enforcement sensitive.

The one thing I can share with you is that the products that were supplied by this company to the government all fell in the nonclassified area. None of it involved any classified products used by the government. The material has been reviewed by the appropriate government agencies, and they have detected absolutely nothing in their reports to the White House that would lead to any concern about any of the products purchased from this company.

Q Who are they talking about -- a cyber office here or --

MR. FLEISCHER: No, I think it's more some of the experts in technology and software, things of that nature.