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Thread: Kucinich "Seriously Thinking" About Forcing Vote On Cheney Impeachment - Audio Inside

  1. #1
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    Jan 2005

    Kucinich "Seriously Thinking" About Forcing Vote On Cheney Impeachment - Audio Inside

    Kucinich 'seriously thinking' about forcing vote on Cheney impeachment

    (Gold9472: There should be nothing to think about. Cheney deserves it, and it will send a message to military leaders that maybe they should question an order given about Iran.)

    Nick Juliano
    Published: Friday September 28, 2007

    Rep. Dennis Kucinich says he is so concerned about what he sees as the Bush administration's push for a war with Iran that he is considering using a parliamentary measure to force the House of Representatives to vote on impeaching Vice President Dick Cheney.

    "We're preparing for another war, and they're going to destroy America," the Ohio Democrat said Thursday on the Ed Schultz show. "We have a government in place right now that has to be challenged. I'm seriously thinking about calling a privileged resolution on impeachment of the vice president and forcing a vote on the floor of the House."

    A privileged resolution would force the full House to debate about whether to proceed with impeachment, but it remains unclear precisely how, when or whether Kucinich would be able to introduce such a resolution. Privileged measures "may be called up on the floor whenever another measure is not already pending" and the House agrees to consider it, according to the Congressional Research Service.

    Privileged measures can include questions of House privileges or resolutions of inquiry, according to the CRS report.

    A conservative site set up to push for former President Bill Clinton's impeachment lays out a strategy to bring such a measure to the House floor.

    "According to Jerome Zeifman, however, it is possible that such a resolution could be called up for an immediate vote," the Conservative Caucus site observes. "But that option appears to be within the control of the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader."

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who took control after last year's Democratic takeover of Congress, maintained that impeachment is "off the table" as recently as this week in an interview with CNN.

    Kucinich introduced a resolution calling for Cheney's impeachment this spring. Since then the bill has gained more than a dozen co-sponsors, but it seems to be dying a slow death in the House Judiciary Committee. It's chairman, John Conyers, has stood with Pelosi in refusing to debate the impeachment resolution or bring it to the House floor for a vote.

    A Kucinich spokeswoman declined to comment when contacted by RAW STORY. An official in the House Parliamentarian's office did not return a call seeking comment.

    The following audio clip is from The Ed Schultz Show, broadcast on September 27.

    Audio At Source
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    simuvac Guest
    Dennis: Either get off the pot, or....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The problem is, I bet it won't even come close to passing even if it was introduced, which would be another slap in the face to the American people. Another indication that the majority in the House and Senate are all bought and paid for, and two sides of the same coin.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    simuvac Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    The problem is, I bet it won't even come close to passing even if it was introduced, which would be another slap in the face to the American people. Another indication that the majority in the House and Senate are all bought and paid for, and two sides of the same coin.
    I'm sure Democratic leadership has told Kucinich not to try, because it might paint the Dems as "vindictive" or some such nonsense. This seems to be their thinking on everything: just hold on and try to win by having Bush lose it. Didn't work in 2004, and ain't gonna work in 2008.

    Hilary will lose to Giuliani in 2008. The press will say the Republican base rallied because they hate Hilary, and if Bloomberg enters he will take votes from the Dems. The fix is in, because the neocons have gambled everything with 9/11 and the stolen elections in 2000 and 2004. The only bet remaining is double or nothing, which is why, if the Dems were a real opposition, they would try to impeach.

  5. #5
    dMole Guest

    Western Justice??

    How about some Texas-style or "Old West" justice- Cheney is from Wyoming, after all?

    Did anybody know that Henry Lee Lucas (a serial killer from a murder cult near Brownsville) was the only one ever pardoned by Dubya as Guvernator of TX? I think everyone in Wyoming has been bird hunting with Big Dick, though, so a "jury of his peers" might not work based on sheer terror for physical safety.

  6. #6
    Uber Commandante Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by dMole
    Did anybody know that Henry Lee Lucas (a serial killer from a murder cult near Brownsville) was the only one ever pardoned by Dubya as Guvernator of TX? I think everyone in Wyoming has been bird hunting with Big Dick, though, so a "jury of his peers" might not work based on sheer terror for physical safety.

    He wasn't pardoned, his sentence was commuted to life in prison where he died. More info in the link.

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