Eight Unanswered Questions About Flight 93

B16382 / Thu, 29 Jun 2006 15:54:28 / "War on Terror"

Did the 9/11 Commission Report satisfactorily address even one tough question about what actually happened to Flight 93?

1) What did the recovered data from Flight 93’s flight data recorder (FDR) black box say? Is there really any reason why recovered information about Flight 93’s recorded flight path has to remain top secret?

2) If the “radar analysis, the flight data recorder, NTSB analysis, and infrared satellite data” all put the time of crash at 10:03:12 as the 9/11 Commission contends, why was there a noticeable seismic spike in the vicinity of the crash at 10:06:05 and none at 10:03:12?

Terry Wallace, the most prominent scientist in the field of forensic seismology, personally examined the seismic data very carefully and critically. There is no evidence of any seismic activity spike anywhere near 10:03:12. However, there is an obvious seismic spike with the clear signature of a surface disturbance at 10:06:05. If Flight 93 didn’t produce the 10:06:05 reading, what did?

3) At what speed and angle of incline did Flight 93 hit the ground to account for its record debris field in terms of both dense material (metal and bone more than 1.5 miles away with new reports of metal debris found at least 8 miles away) and light material (buckets and buckets of paper, plastic and foam found more than 8 miles away)? Has any another plane in the entire history of air disasters produced a debris field anywhere near this expansive after hitting the ground in one piece?

Consider that residents of Indian Lake (which is located 1.5 to 5 miles from the Flight 93’s impact crater) heard parts of Flight 93 falling on their rooftops “like acorns” and collected various pieces of sheet metal that were reportedly black and charred. In addition, a large portion of one of Flight 93’s engines that weighed well over a ton was found 1/2 mile from the impact crater, the FBI located the biggest piece (reportedly about 5’ x 7’) of fuselage in a pond about 1.5 miles from the impact crater, and bones and other debris washed up on the banks of Indian Lake and were collected as far as 8 miles away in New Baltimore for days.

How could the same direct ground collision be both energetic enough to set a new ballistic standard for aviation debris field coverage (in a 10 mph breeze, no less) without generating even the slightest measurable seismic reading? And in addition to contending that one of the most energetic plane crashes in aviation history did not register on any seismograph, the 9/11 Commission must invoke a completely unreported nearby event to explain a clear surface seismic disturbance more energetic than the Flight 93’s crash on the order of magnitudes just under three minutes later. At this point, the 9/11 Commission is daring where even creationists fear to tread.

4) What about the impact crater supposedly caused by the crash of Flight 93? Dozens of different reports in the days following 9/11 estimated the crater depth at 8 to 12 feet. However, the cockpit voice recorder was reportedly found buried at a depth of 25 feet, and the PA Department of Envronmental Protection reported that the crash site was finally excavated “down to a depth of about 45 feet.” This implies that more than 75% of the dirt and rock displaced by Flight 93’s crash—a crash that somehow supposedly launched a barrage of metal pieces 1.5 to 8 miles away—managed to land right back into the footprint of its impact crater, all without registering even the slightest seismic blip, of course.

5) What about passenger Tom Burnett’s report that one of the hijackers had a gun?

6) What about passenger Ed Felt’s 911 call from the bathroom—widely reported as the final call from the plane? Emergency dispatch supervisor Glen Cramer stated on 9/11 that a distraught passenger calling from the airplane bathroom “heard an explosion and saw white smoke” just three minutes before the 9/11 Commission claims that Flight 93 crashed. This 911 tape was confiscated by the FBI within hours, and Glenn Cramer was later ordered not to discuss this matter with reporters. What did expert audio analysis reveal about the sounds Felt described as explosions? Did anyone ever even make any attempt to synchronize this 911 tape with the “black box” cockpit voice recording and flight data information? If so, what did this process reveal? If not, why not?

7) Two FAA employees who were working at Cleveland Center ATC on 9/11, Stacey Taylor and Richard Kettell, both reported that they saw Flight 93’s transponder signal come back on twice—displaying an altitude between 4,000 and 7,000 feet—just minutes before it disappeared forever over Shanksville. What could possibly have accounted for this if the hijackers still controlled the plane? Did anyone ever attempt to synchronize this intermittent transponder data with the cockpit voice recorder, the flight data recorder and Felt’s 911 recording? Finally, unless both air traffic controllers lied about this transponder activity, what compelled the FBI to disparage the passengers’ memories by publicly concluding they never breached the cockpit?

8) By 9:50, Cleveland Center ATC, United Airlines officials, the FAA, several other local Air Traffic Control towers, Cleveland’s mayor, Pittsburgh’s mayor, the FBI and even a motley crew of meddling US Congressmen were all fully aware that a confirmed hijacked 757 was flying erratically over western Pennsylvania on a day when three previous hijackings had already killed thousands. All of this is well documented. Yet the 9/11 Commission seriously expects us to accept that the entire US domestic defense system remained entirely ignorant of Flight 93’s immeasurable threat for at least 20 more minutes? Are we really supposed to believe that basically our entire system of government knew all about our enemies’ movements with the singular exception of the one part of our government that’s directly tasked with defending us against enemy attacks? Because once again the 9/11 Commission has left the land of hard-to-swallow and entered the rabbit hole of inconceivability.

In times of crisis like 9/11, certain individuals will always risk the reprisals of ignoring established protocols and/or chains of command to attempt to ensure an efficient and potent response to a national emergency. So no matter how unfathomably incompetent the 9/11 Commission paints the FAA, there were certainly many people who knew about Flight 93 who would have made it their business to personally inform their defense department contacts directly, especially considering both the stakes and the previous events of the day. By so adamantly insisting otherwise, the 9/11 Commission demonstrated an incredible level of contempt for their readers’ intelligence.
