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Thread: Wis. Lawmaker Wants Lecturer Fired For 9/11 Conspiracy Views

  1. #11
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    UW Instructor Defends Plan To Teach 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Class

    UW Instructor Defends Plan to Teach 9/11 Conspiracy Theory in Class

    Mon 07/03/2006 - Why would our government do this? To trigger a War that will not end in our lifetime."^ Says Kevin Barrett, a lecturer for UW-Madison who will teach a course on Islam this Fall.

    Barrett is the founder of a group called the Muslim Jewish Christian Alliance for 9/11 truth, that has about 1,000 members worldwide.^ He says after three years of studying the evidence, he came to the conclusion 9/11^did not happen the way the government says it did.^ He believes the Bush Administration^planned and exucuted the attacks on the World Trade Center.

    ''The physics of those collapses clearly could not have resulted from plane crashes and jet fuel fires with office materials.''^Barrett says jet fuel does not burn^hot enough to melt steel, and says recent tests on melted steel from the building prove his theory that it was wired to collapse, by the Government.^

    Barrett says the Bush Administration is fooling the American public with the Adolf Hitler 'Big Lie Technique'... ''Tell them a little lie and they'll wonder about it - weapons of mass destruction in iraq was a relatively little lie - and people are getting called on it.'' Barrett says.^ ''Tell em a big lie like 9/11 and they have a huge resistance to questioning it.''

    Barrett quotes from Hitler's book ''Mein Kampf'' in which he writes ''In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility becasue the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily.^ It would never come into their heads to fabricate collosal untruths and they would not believe that others would have the impotence to distort the truth so infamously.''

    That theory is now part of the curriculum for an Introduction to Islam class Barrett will teach this Fall at the UW.^ He says 14 of the 16 weeks will have nothing to do with politics, but in the remaing two weeks, he will cover what he calls the ''so-called war on terror''.

    ''And I will present different interpretations of the war on terror, In^I think a pretty detached way and encourage students to debate those interpretations and to support whichever one they personally find most persuasive and let them make up their own minds.'' Barrett says.

    Governor Jim Doyle questioned whether someone with 'this total irrational idea'' should be teaching students at UW, and Rep. Steve Nass called for Barrett to be fired, but Barrett says his students don't have to agree with his theory about 9/11.

    ''Of course not!'' Barrett says, ''I certainly wouldn't expect them to... At least not all of them. On the other hand I would expect some of them would once they look at the evidence because the evidence is overwhelming.''
    Barrett said he is not surprised, or concerned about the UW's request to discuss the curriculum of his class.

    ''These people (his critics) are welcome to their opinions, but we have a tradition of academic freedom here in Wisconsin of sifting fearlessly in pursuit of truth becasue our motto has it- The truth will set you free. ''^ Barrett says.

    Barrett says a meeting with Provost Patrick Farrell and two others from the UW went well.^He says the^University officials said they were not interested in his opinions outside of the classroom, just what he planned to teach in it.^^Farrell will release the UW's decision about the class in about a week.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #12
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    Jan 2005

    Sifting And Winnowing

    Sifting and winnowing

    A Cap Times editorial, July 5, 2006

    State Rep. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, is not very good at legislating. But that doesn't stop him from trying to tell everyone else how to do their jobs.

    Indeed, it seems that whenever Nass hears about a college instructor who expresses views that do not fit with his own, the legislator begins to call for sanctions and silencing.

    Nass piped up again last week after he learned that a University of Wisconsin lecturer has been active in a movement that raises questions about whether U.S. government officials rather than foreign terrorists were responsible for some or all of the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001.

    Kevin Barrett, a co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, an organization of scholars, activists and religious leaders urging an investigation of the possibility of official complicity in Sept. 11, has a part-time, one-semester appointment to teach a class on Islam this fall.

    Barrett, who has written guest opinion columns that have appeared in The Capital Times, certainly holds controversial views.

    While many Americans entertain deep doubts about whether the full story of the 9/11 attacks has been revealed, Barrett's views are considerably more radical than those entertained by the majority of Americans.

    Barrett understands that his views are provocative. In fact, when UW Provost Patrick Farrell said university officials would review Barrett's syllabus and reading list for the course, as well as evaluations of his past teaching performance, the lecturer said he thought the provost's approach sounded reasonable.

    "I look forward to the chance to discuss this with anyone who's interested, and I understand why this would raise concerns," says Barrett. "When professors have a strong commitment to a point of view, it's important that they not impose their views on students."

    Frankly, the lecturer comes off as far calmer and more thoughtful than Nass, who, on the basis of what he heard about a radio interview Barrett did, called on the UW to bar the academic from teaching.

    The vitriol that Nass is spewing now is similar to the language he used last year to attack another academic with whom he disagrees University of Colorado Professor Ward Churchill. Nass tried to prevent UW-Whitewater from letting Churchill speak at a student-sponsored event.

    In the end, Nass drew more attention to Churchill's appearance, which drew a standing-room-only crowd. And we suspect that, if the UW adheres to its commitment to academic freedom and allows Barrett to teach this fall, his course will be packed as well.

    If Barrett tries to force his views about 9/11 on students, he will be called on it. But everything he has said suggests that he will be a responsible instructor. Indeed, Barrett has been very specific about the fact that he wants to try to "present all defensible sides of important issues" and "let students make up their own minds."

    That sounds a lot like the values expressed on a plaque at the UW that reads: "Whatever may be the limitations which trammel inquiry elsewhere, we believe that the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found."

    Steve Nass should go up to Bascom Hall and read the plaque before he starts telling this great university to fire controversial instructors.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #13
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    Jan 2005
    Ron Rattner: UW probe chills academic freedom
    A letter to the editor


    Dear Editor: As an attorney and UW-Madison graduate during the McCarthy era, I am deeply disturbed about the provost's politically instigated "investigation" of Kevin Barrett. When teachers are intimidated against seeking and speaking truth on a campus known for its liberal and progressive traditions, we are in trouble.

    It has been reported that David Walsh, UW Board of Regents president, thinks Barrett should be able to share his views in the classroom, observing: "Unless he's yelling fire in a crowded theater, we need to be careful to protect his academic freedom."

    Walsh is absolutely right. Academic freedom is essential for maintaining democracy. As Albert Einstein observed: "It is evident that any restriction on academic freedom acts in such a way as to hamper the dissemination of knowledge among the people and thereby impedes national judgment and action."

    Universities are for inquiries, not inquisitions. The provost's review will intimidate the academic community against seeking or discussing 9/11 truth.

    To remain a great academic institution, UW must operate in the tradition of La Follette, not McCarthy.

    Ron Rattner
    San Francisco, Calif.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #14
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    Jan 2005

    UW Instructor Under Fire Basks In Publicity For 9/11 View

    UW instructor under fire basks in publicity for 9/11 view

    Associated Press

    MADISON, Wis. - A University of Wisconsin instructor under fire for his view that the U.S. government orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks said Thursday he was confident he would keep his job.

    Kevin Barrett also told The Associated Press he was elated the controversy has given his cause long-sought publicity.

    "If these idiots had just kept their mouths shut, nobody would have ever heard of me," Barrett said of his critics. "I've been trying to get publicity for years."

    Barrett, active in a group called Scholars for 9/11 Truth, is among a small group that believes the attacks were carried out by U.S. government officials, not al-Qaida terrorists. He came under fire after he spoke on a Wisconsin talk show last week and acknowledged he presented the theory to his students in the past.

    After the appearance, UW-Madison Provost Patrick Farrell launched a review into Barrett's past performance and whether the content of the course on Islam he is scheduled to teach this fall is appropriate. The findings are expected to be released Friday.

    Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Green demanded on Thursday that Barrett be fired for his views before he speaks Sunday at a forum on social justice at UW-Milwaukee.

    "His views on the worst terrorist attack on American soil are casting a negative shadow nationally on the university system and our entire state," Green wrote in a letter to UW-Madison Chancellor John Wiley. He said Barrett should be fired before his talk on Sunday "gives any more unwanted publicity to the university."

    The gathering of activists at the Midwest Social Forum features a discussion by Barrett and another 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Barrett said they will argue that the attacks were a covert operation "involving top U.S. officials, including Dick Cheney" designed to launch a 50-year war in the Middle East.

    The president of the UW System Board of Regents, David Walsh, called Barrett's views "stupid and irrational" but slammed Green and other politicians for "threatening to fire people because of their ideas."

    "No one is saying that Mr. Barrett is right but he certainly has a right to present it as a possibility so long that he provides a balanced presentation," said Walsh, who was appointed by Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle. "Students learn by challenging and discussing these ideas. That's what our mission is about."

    Doyle, however, also questions whether Barrett is competent to teach at UW, said spokesman Dan Leistikow, given his "outlandish views."

    Barrett said he met with Farrell on Monday and promised he would keep his personal views, which he acknowledged were inflammatory, out of the classroom. However, he said he would present a theory that is similar to his as well as the accepted wisdom that terrorists carried out the attacks.

    He said he was confident he would be allowed to teach this fall but worried the university would not renew his contract in future years. He is set to earn $8,247 in the fall semester for the part-time appointment.

    "Professors have all sorts of ideas about all sorts of things. Many of those ideas sound completely crazy to other people," Barrett said. "If you fired every professor with a crazy idea, you'd lose half of the academy."

    He said he also teaches at Edgewood College in Madison, which was well aware of his activism when he was hired. A spokesman for Edgewood, a small liberal arts college, confirmed he was scheduled to teach a course on Islam this fall.

    Barrett said Republicans who had fueled the story helped give his views publicity around the country. He had harsh words for Green, who he compared to Communist-hunting former U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin.

    "I think his McCarthyist tactics are casting an ugly shadow on our state," said Barrett, 47, of Madison.

    Green's campaign manager, Mark Graul, called Barrett an unqualified "nutjob."

    "We shouldn't be wasting one dime of tuition or tax dollars on this guy's completely inaccurate and irresponsible theories," he said.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #15
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    Jan 2005
    "is among a small group that believes the attacks were carried out by U.S. government officials"

    I'm sorry, what was that lie Associated Press?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #16
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    an unqualified "nutjob."

    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #17
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    Jan 2005

    Madison Teacher Says 9/11 Is Government Hoax

    Madison Teacher Says 9/11 Is Government Hoax


    Mark Green is joining some state Republicans calling for the dismissal of a controversial UW-Madison lecturer, who claims the September 11th attacks were special effects produced by the United States government.

    Lecturer Kevin Barrett is the co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth. In past remarks, Barrett says he has no reason to believe that Osama bin Laden is evil.

    "Mr. Barrett is free to personally hold whatever belief he wants, inaccurate and irresponsible as it may be,” Green said.

    However, Green said taxpayer or tuition dollars should not be going to Barrett telling students that 9/11 was a government creation.

    Barrett contacted NewsCenter 13 last night and countered with this statement: "I refuse to buckle under to the politics of fear. It's time for this country to stand up to the bullies in charge. I'm confident that I will keep my job and that the Republicans will all lose theirs.”
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #18
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    Jan 2005

    UW Review Expected Today Of Instructor's 9/11 Comments

    UW review expected today of instructor's 9/11 comments

    Associated Press

    MADISON, Wis. (AP) _ A University of Wisconsin instructor under fire for his view that the U.S. government orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks said Thursday he was confident he would keep his job.

    Kevin Barrett also told The Associated Press he was elated the controversy has given his cause long-sought publicity.

    "If these idiots had just kept their mouths shut, nobody would have ever heard of me," Barrett said of his critics. "I've been trying to get publicity for years."

    Barrett, active in a group called Scholars for 9/11 Truth, is among a small group that believes the attacks were carried out by U.S. government officials, not al-Qaida terrorists. He came under fire after he spoke on a Wisconsin talk show last week and acknowledged he presented the theory to his students in the past.

    After the appearance, UW-Madison Provost Patrick Farrell launched a review into Barrett's past performance and whether the content of the course on Islam he is scheduled to teach this fall is appropriate. The findings are expected to be released Friday.

    Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Green demanded on Thursday that Barrett be fired for his views before he speaks Sunday at a forum on social justice at UW-Milwaukee.

    "His views on the worst terrorist attack on American soil are casting a negative shadow nationally on the university system and our entire state," Green wrote in a letter to UW-Madison Chancellor John Wiley. He said Barrett should be fired before his talk on Sunday "gives any more unwanted publicity to the university."
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #19
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    Jan 2005
    To the Editor,

    Ryan Foley's AP article about me, "UW instructor under fire basks in publicity for 9/11 view" contained several mis-statements that may border on libel, or perhaps even cross the line

    Foley wrote: "Kevin Barrett also told The Associated Press he was elated the controversy has given his cause long-sought publicity." I did not use the word "elated."

    Foley attributes to me the statement, "I've been trying to get publicity for years." Again, I certainly did not use those words. I did tell Mr. Foley that the 9/11 truth movement has spent years trying to get the media to pay attention to the many dozens of smoking guns of 9/11, including over-insured WTC owner-of-six-weeks Larry Silverstein's nationally-televised confession that he demolished the 47-story WTC-7 with explosives. I most certainly did not say that I, personally, was seeking publicity. In fact, the opposite is the case; I would have much preferred not to go through this unpleasant media circus, and endure the insults of the likes of Mr. Foley.

    Foley also wrote: "Barrett, active in a group called Scholars for 9/11 Truth, is among a small group that believes the attacks were carried out by U.S. government officials, not al-Qaida terrorists." A "small group"?! Actually a recent Zogby poll showed that 42% of Americans believe that the official story that "al-Qaida terrorists perpetrated the attacks" is a cover-up, and that the 9/11 Commission concealed evidence. That is far more people than voted for Cheney-Bush in the last election. Elsewhere in the world, the figures are much higher. An educated guess would be that the majority of the world's population either suspects or believes that 9/11 was an inside job. Among Muslims, we know the figure is at least 60% -- a conservative estimate based on a recent poll whose wording seems to have been selected to minimize the number answering "inside job." An earlier al-Jazeera poll had shown that 89% of its audience believes the US government committed the 9/11 attacks, while only 11% blames al-Qaida.

    Given these facts about public opinion in the US and around the world, it would be the height of irresponsibility for any class that touches on Islam, the "war on terror" or related subjects not to critically examine the various interpretations of 9/11, including the "inside job" hypothesis that the great majority of Muslims, and a probable majority of the world's population, subscribes to.


    Kevin Barrett
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #20
    somebigguy Guest
    Give it to em Jon. You know a year ago, they weren't even fighting us, now they are. A year ago, we weren't mainstream, now we are. Never forget the progress we have made.

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