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Thread: 9/11 Truth Door To Door - Video Inside

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    9/11 Truth Door To Door - Video Inside

    9/11 Truth Door To Door
    Thanks to

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    This idea came to me the other night. I have a camcorder that's pretty good quality. I have iMovie, which lets me make movies easily. Why shouldn't I go door to door asking people about whether or not they think the Government lied to us about 9/11? It's a simple enough question that gets a variety of answers.

    The first woman I interviewed looked to me as if she thought the Government was lying, but didn't know to what extent, so her answer was ultimately no. She was aware though that the media in particular doesn't tell you everything. The gentleman I interviewed obviously didn't even want to consider the idea. I don't fault people for that. I understand the fear involved. I thank him for his time though.

    The last person I interviewed is exactly what I was hoping to find. After two no's, she was a blessing in disguise.

    I think this idea in general is something people in the movement should consider doing. It gets those of us always looking for new 9/11 Truth footage to watch something, and it also is a way of getting the message out while making people think.

    If you have a camcorder, and want to take the time, I highly recommend it. Just be careful. You never know who you might run into.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    AuGmENTor Guest
    wow no video though

  3. #3
    borepstein Guest
    This is great!

    I am wondering what the response would have been if the question was, "Are you satisfied with what the government and 9/11 Commission have told you about 9/11?"

  4. #4
    AuGmENTor Guest
    yeah an then that guy said why would they do something so gruesome... who the hell asked that? you asked if he thought they had lied, not if they had murdered those people.

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