Jessica McBride and Steve Nass Exposed as MUJCA Agents!
Ambush Interview A False-Flag Attack

By Kevin Barrett

A lot of people thought my letter to the Secret Service was pretty funny. Dylan Avery of Loose Change had it posted even before MUJCA did, and it bounced around the blogosphere like the magic bullet pinging around Kennedy’s limousine.

If you thought THAT was funny, get a load of Jessica McBride’s latest diatribe! If I had to invent a perfect fictional character to publicize MUJCA-NET, I could never have come up with anything half so delicious as the walking talking blond-joke known as Jessica McBride, Ann Coulter’s evil twin. A rabid-as-she-is-vapid Bush-cultist spewing unintentionally hilarious venom in my general direction, Jessica is giving us publicity we couldn’t pay for if Jimmy Walter’s rich uncle died and left everything to MUJCA.

Slow-witted as she seems, Jessica is probably one shapely, well-shaven leg up on her intended audience, the dwindling twenty-something percent of the country that approves of Bush’s performance. Jessica’s ambush interview of me, presumably pre-arranged with Rep. Steve Nass in a harebrained scheme to give me the Ward Churchill treatment and have me fired from my job at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has completely backfired. I have been getting strong support from ordinary folks on the street, from letter-writers to the local papers, from my colleagues, from the several mainstream media interviewers I’ve met (and the surprisingly balanced stories I’ve read)—in fact, from every quarter except one: that ever-shrinking demographic group of Bush supporters known as TFMs, who are apparently the target group of the backfired McBride-Nass hatchet job attempt to shore up Republican support.

Political analyst Max Udargo explains the predicament that drove them to this pathetic, desperate act:

Bush Losing Core Supporters

WASHINGTON, May 11 – President Bush appears to be losing support among a key group of voters who had hitherto stood firmly with the president even as his poll numbers among other groups fell dramatically.

A new Gallup poll shows that, for the first time, Bush’s approval rating has fallen below 50% among total fucking morons, and now stands at 44%. This represents a dramatic drop compared to a poll taken just last December, when 62% of total fucking morons expressed support for the president and his policies.

The current poll, conducted by phone with 1,409 total fucking morons between May 4 and May 8, reveals that only 44% of those polled believe the president is doing a good job, while 27% believe he is doing a poor job and 29% don’t understand the question.

The December poll, conducted by phone with 1,530 total fucking morons, showed 62% approved of the president, 7% disapproved and 31% didn’t understand the question.

Faltering approval ratings for the president among a group once thought to be a reliable source of loyal support gives Republicans one more reason to be nervous about the upcoming mid-term elections. “If we can’t depend on the support of total fucking morons,” says Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), “then we’ve got a big problem. They’re a key factor in our electoral strategy, and an important part of today’s Republican coalition.” (for the rest of Udargo’s story, see:

An important part, hell – they’re all the Republicans have left, and Jessica McBride and Steve Nass know it. Well, maybe they know it...they do give some signs of being TFMs themselves.

Let’s take a closer look at some of McBride’s barely-passable sophomore j-school prose. Jessica writes:

“We've been at war for several decades with Islamo fascist terrorists who want to destroy our way of life.”

Jessica, I have some news for you. First, there is no such word as “Islamo.” Second, the main international conflict used to be the Cold War, and semi-morons like you used to brainwash the TFMs into hating the evil Commies, not the evil Muslims. Remember how the CIA recruited Osama, a.k.a. Tim Osman, to fight for us against the Russkies in Afghanistan? Right. I thought you didn’t. For you, the whole universe began on 9/11/01. Since then, WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AT WAR WITH THE ISLAMO FASCIST TERRORISTS WHO WANT TO DESTROY OUR WAY OF LIFE, just like in Orwell’s 1984, they had ALWAYS been at war with Oceana, not Eurasia, or was it vice-versa. How could all of your pre-9/11 memories have been erased so completely, Jessica? You not that young, Toots. Could it have been through an Apocalypse of Coercion?

Jessica is trying to bring straying Bush voters like Bill Snarpel back into the fold:

Bill Snarpel of Enid, Oklahoma is a total fucking moron who voted for Bush in both 2000 and 2004. But he says he won’t be voting for Bush in 2008. “I don’t like it that he was going to sell our ports to the Arabs. If the Arabs own the ports then that means they’ll let all the Arabs in and then we’ll all be riding camels and wearing towels on our heads. I don’t want my children singing the Star Spangled Banner in Muslim.”

Bill’s fictional comment reads just like a real-life comment on a pro-Jessica blog—it’s hard to tell the reality from the satire these days.

Here’s another comment that raises the question, just who is the TFM here – Jessica or her intended audience?

He (Kevin Barrett) refused to say that Osama bin Laden is an evil man, although I asked him this question several times.

Better luck next time, Jessica – maybe you should try water-boarding me while you repeat the question over and over, like the CIA torturers your lovely cult-leader—I mean, president—has unleashed.

But seriously, folks, I could not believe my ears as Jessica kept sputtering in radio baby-talk, “Is Osama a weely, weely evil man? IS HE?? IS HE??!” My incredulous response was, “Jessica, I feel like I’m talking to a three year old.” The question remains: is Jessica a mental three-year-old, or is it her intended audience? Either way, Jessica is a perfect illustration of the infantilization of the American mind post-9/11 that Susan Sontag famously deplored:

“The discontent between last Tuesday’s monstrous dose of reality and the self-righteous drivel and outright deceptions being peddled by public figures and TV commentators is startling, depressing. The voices licensed to follow the event seem to have joined together in a campaign to infantilize the public.” Susan Sontag, 9/01

Jessica McBride and Rep. Steve Nass are still living in the America of mental three-year-olds that the 9/11 false-flag attacks were designed to create. But the rest of America is growing up. Since the Nass-McBride ambush attempt, I have yet to hear an unfriendly word from my colleagues, from the media folks who have interviewed me, or from the vast majority of ordinary citizens, who have by and large opposed Nass’s call to have me fired from the University of Wisconsin. The online poll is running heavily in my favor, all but one of the call-ins on Ben Merens Wisconsin Public Radio show were supportive, the University administration is standing tall for free speech, my in-box is so clogged with congratulations that I barely have time to do anything else but acknowledge them...and best of all, people are rolling on the floor laughing at Jessica McBride’s blathering rant.

The McBride-Nass ambush attempt fell so flat, and played out so perfectly for me and for MUJCA, that conspiracy theorists are already asserting that it was a MUJCA-sponsored set-up. Now, for the first time, it can be revealed that they are right. “Jessica McBride” is in fact the nom-de-plume of an America-hating conspiracy theorist named Cruella Bin Snottin, who has infiltrated the Wisconsin Republican party on behalf of MUJCA’s devious plan to destroy Western civilization. Cruella, hats off to you—you played your role to the hilt! Never could I have imagined such histrionic perfection in my wildest satirical dreams!

And “Steve Nass,” better known as “the man with one N too many,” is – buckle your hats and hold on to your seat belts – really the guy with one S too many. “Steve Nass” is actually a dumb-ass white-guy persona developed by the Muslim hip-hopper Nas, who decided that hip-hop was dead and decided to disguise himself as a parody of a white total fucking moron to see if he could get himself elected to office. It was all part of a scientific experiment, designed by Nas, to test the hypothesis that “In America, if you’re white, you can get away with anything” – a variation on the better known Charlie Rangel theory that George W. Bush “pretty much debunks the myth of white superiority once and for all.”

So there you have it. The conspiracy has been revealed: Nas can quit the Wisconsin Legislature, let his bleached-out skin redarken, and spark a rebirth of hip-hop; Cruella can slink back to her Afghan cave to rejoin Osama’s harem; and, assuming the University of Wisconsin Provost’s Office continues to do their job sensibly, I can get back to preparing to teach a class on the religion of Islam.