Quote Originally Posted by Good Doctor HST
Very interesting bit of news. Of course, items like the following correspond with explosions in Iran.

From today's Washington Post:

CIA, FBI Warn Panel on Top Threats to U.S.

"The United States faces a broad array of global threats, ranging from North Korean and Iranian missiles to a Sept. 11-scale attack by Islamist militants inspired by Osama bin Laden and hardened by their experience in Iraq, top U.S. intelligence officials warned Wednesday

In his first public appearance as U.S. spymaster, CIA Director Porter Goss told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence there was an emerging terrorist threat from experienced fighters now battling U.S.-led forces in Iraq later joining international militants."

Just amazes me. If Iran flew drones over the U.S. to check on our nuclear programs, we'd have a shit-fit. But it's okay when the U.S. spies on everyone. All this after becoming notorious for pre-emptive striking other countries.... how has this become justified behavior? Nobody even blinks when they're told the U.S. fires a missile in Iran. "Hey, they had it coming! That'll teach those Ragheads to start trouble!" I don't get it.
We have been trained VERY WELL to think of things in terms of "US" vs. "THEM". "THEM" being people less than human.