Do what you can. Protest your local news stations on a weekly basis. SHOW them that you care what happens to your country. MAKE them cover the corruption.
Fine sentiments and all, and certainly an important part of an overall strategy. But, and I'm sure you know this Jon, in the real world theres little point relying on those with an entrenched interest in the status quo (the 'consensus') to confront the powers that maintain that same status quo. It'd kinda be like asking Guns N Ammo to come out against Gun Ownership. (And actually I support gun ownership, thats just an example).

The key is education, agitation and organisation. Nothing ever changes without organisation. To quote the song I'm listening to right now (Step by Step by Pete Seeger):

Step by step the longest march - can be won, can be won
Many stones can form an arch - singly none, singly none
And by union what we will can be accomplished still
Drops of water can turn a mill - singly none, none

Like I say, I'm sure you're well aware of this, I just think it bears repeating ad nauseum.