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Thread: Scientific American Takes On The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Scientific American Takes On The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts

    Scientific American Takes on the 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts

    Written by Steven Plaut
    Monday, June 06, 2005

    While there are many reasons to believe that the political arena is in fact a circle and not a straight line, with the extremist Left sitting alongside the lunatic neonazi Right and sharing many of the same ideas and positions, nothing so clearly illustrates the "political circle" concept as well as the chasing by extremists of both the Right and Left after conspiracy theories related to 9-11.

    The web is crawling with web sites that insist that bin Laden was a patsy and that al-Qaeda did NOT knock down the WTC and attack the Pentagon. So who then did? Usually it is some mix of the CIA, the Republicans, the "Illuminati", the Council on Foreign Relations (a favorite bugaboo of conspiracy nuts), and of course the Jews (and the Israelis).

    Some of these "theories" are on the web sites of Holocaust Deniers (like and Stormtrooper-wannabes, while others are on the web sites of Far-Leftist marxies and "anarchists."

    Among the leftwing lunatics who promote such nonsense is neofascist Dennis "Justin" Raimondo, editor of, who "proved" that Dem Joos knocked down the WTC because, on the day of the attack, some Israeli moving men were picked up for visa violations and one was found to have some cash in a dirty sock. Raimondo is convinced that no one could possibly have cash in a sock unless they were responsible for the 9-11 attack! Chronically-unemployed Counterpunch neonazi columnist and Ba'athist Uruknet spokesman Kurt Nimmo agrees. If you type "World Trade Center" and "conspiracy" into Google, you'll get more than 250,000 hits.

    Now Scientific American has devoted a part of its newest issue to debunking conspiracy nonsense related to 9-11. The Scientific American piece was motived in part by the success of a lunabat book crayoned by a French left-wing activist, Thierry Meyssan's, about yet another 9-11 conspiracy "theory", L'Effroyable Imposture, which became an amphibian best-seller in 2002.

    After noting some of the ludicrous pseudo-facts trotted out by the conspiracist fruitcakes, Scientific American sums things up thus:

    'All the 9/11 conspiracy claims are this easily refuted. On the Pentagon "missile strike," for example, I queried the would-be filmmaker about what happened to Flight 77, which disappeared at the same time. "The plane was destroyed, and the passengers were murdered by Bush operatives," he solemnly revealed. "Do you mean to tell me that not one of the thousands of conspirators needed to pull all this off," I retorted, "is a whistle-blower who would go on TV or write a tell-all book?" My rejoinder was met with the same grim response I get from UFOlogists when I ask them for concrete evidence: Men in Black silence witnesses, and dead men tell no tales. '

    About the Writer: Dr. Plaut is a professor of business administration at the University of Haifa, and the author of "The Scout," available from Gefen Publishing House at:
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Steven Plaut

    (Gold9472: Thanks to Amy Sasser for this information.)

    Described by a fellow Israeli academic as

    "an extreme right-wing polemicist from Haifa University"

    Steven Plaut (BA from Temple University, MA from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ph.D. from Princeton University) is an associate professor teaching Business Administration in the Graduate School of Business at the University of Haifa.
    In this article, Prof. David Newman has written the following about Plaut:

    "In one case, a young political philosopher and human rights campaigner from Ben Gurion University, Dr. Neve Gordon, was accused by an extreme right-wing polemicist from Haifa University, Dr. Stephen Plaut, of being a supporter of Norman Finkelstein, whose book, The Holocaust Industry, led many on the Right to associate him with Holocaust deniers. When Gordon decided to sue him for libel, Plaut subsequently disseminated articles attacking Gordon on the Internet, including on some extreme right-wing Kahanist sites. Morton Klein, the head of the Zionist Organization in America, also weighed in against Gordon by writing to the President and the Rector of Ben Gurion University questioning the continued employment of Gordon and protesing his libel case which, Klein argued, was an intervention in the civil liberties of Plaut because it denied Plaut's right to freedom of expression! Klein's letter included citations and sources taken from extreme right-wing websites including the outlawed Kahane organization.

    "Writing under assumed names, Plaut has a long history of attacking, labeling, and targeting left-wing scholars in Israel. One anonymous article appeared under the name of Socrates in the Middle East Review of 2001."

    One example of the kind of ad hominem attack that Plaut likes to make is this article, in which he attacks the British journalist Jonathan Cook who is married to a Palestinian citizen of Israel. Bad enough as this kind of rubbish is, it does not stoop quite as far as Plaut sometimes goes -- to get some hint of the depths, consider the following:

    Plaut's spoofing and spamming activities

    Messages posted on 13 April 2004 to the ALEF electronic discussion forum (which is based at the University of Haifa) seem to indicate something about Plaut's mentality. These messages, which were posted to ALEF by somebody else and which seem to report on an email conversation that Plaut had with someone who was banned from the ALEF forum for excessive spamming, seem to indicate that Plaut boasted about stealing the ALEF membership list so that messages could be sent to ALEF members without being passed through the ALEF system. Specifically, Plaut seems to have written the following. The typographical errors appeared in the original:

    I stoll their membership list. If you want to sen dthings to the whole list,
    use any email and send to: (via BCC so they do not know what you are doing):

    Put the alef address in the header and write (alef) before subject and they will think it is coming thru their list! He also seemed to be connected with somebody called Rocky who, pretending to be a pro-Zionism Palestinian living in the West Bank, used the pseudonym "Yusuf" to plague the ALEF list with racist emails until he was excluded from the forum. Look at Rocky's description to see how Rocky finally made a mistake which spilled the beans.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    aceace Guest

    Send this to Scientific American

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by aceace

    Send this to Scientific American
    You're a fan of Christopher? Wow... Not that that's surprising, but he's somewhat of a friend of mine.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    dz Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    You're a fan of Christopher? Wow... Not that that's surprising, but he's somewhat of a friend of mine.
    yeah he is a friend of mine too.. calls me 'disinfo daz'.. cant stand that guy, he is crazy! not necessarily in his ideas (he is more than welcome to those), but in his need to persecute those that dont agree..

  6. #6
    911=inside job Guest
    he is a bit strange but im glad to have him here in cali....

  7. #7
    somebigguy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by dazinith
    yeah he is a friend of mine too.. calls me 'disinfo daz'.. cant stand that guy, he is crazy! not necessarily in his ideas (he is more than welcome to those), but in his need to persecute those that dont agree..
    He is slightly insane, but I do believe his theories.

    "Disinfo Daz", Nice!!!!

  8. #8
    911=inside job Guest
    This was technology invented in the cold war to make self destruct missile silos and submarine bases, perfect for preplanned demolition.

    ^^ i found this very interesting...

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