Letter To The Editor,

The 9/11 Commission refused to answer 70% of the 9/11 families questions about how their loved ones were murdered. That's not a "Conspiracy Theory." That's just wrong. It's wrong, and I'm amazed that people like Bill Bradley, who've never taken the time to look into 9/11, think they know what it is they're talking about.

Jon Gold

(Attached copy of Family Steering Committee's report.)

Why the Hell Do People Believe 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?
What the hell is wrong with people? An occasional Esquire investigation into conspiracy theory-loving loonies.


By Bill Bradley
12/25/2007, 5:45 AM

Flaw: People believe in totally ludicrous conspiracy theories.

Explanation by Robert A. Goldberg, author of Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America

If you ever read any conspiracy theories, they’re these police-blotter kinds of things. Conspiracy theories take circumstantial evidence and make it hard data -- to give clarity to ambiguity in a time of crisis. Rumor, hearsay, gaps in logic and evidence are used under the premise of conspiracy to prove what the theorists already believed.

Americans buy into them because they assign responsibility. They allow us to point the finger at specific individuals and explain why they did something, how they did something, and, in that secret knowledge, they are arming believers with the ability to respond and mobilize. Conspiracy theories are ultimately about finding purpose and meaning.

Editor’s note: No one, however, has found purpose and meaning in the movie Conspiracy Theory, which overtly and without any hidden motive sucks. And you ever notice how it’s always on TBS at 2:00 A.M. anyway? Weird.