The 9/11 Truth Movement I Belong To...

By Jon Gold

UPDATED: 3/17/2022

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to doesn't invite individuals with a known history of disruption, and promotion of questionable, crazy sounding theories to speak at 9/11 Truth conferences.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to doesn't promote information provided by individuals with a known history of disruption, and promotion of questionable, crazy sounding theories.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to does not consist of people that spend more time attacking other people than actually contributing to the cause.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to doesn't promote theory as fact. "A missile hit the Pentagon", "Flight 93 was shot down", "Controlled Demolition brought down the towers and building 7 (being the possible exception)."

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to does not put all of its' eggs into one basket (there is more to the story than the buildings).

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to cares more about truth, accountability, and justice than proving any one theory right.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to consists of people willing to work together, in spite of our differences regarding any particular theory.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to always promotes the best information possible, and understands the value of pointing out inconsistencies in what we were told.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to understands that the information we promote should be well researched, well sourced, and stands up to scrutiny.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to doesn't promote debunked theories, or debunked information after said theory or information has been debunked.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to does not consist of people who force you to believe any particular theory.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to does not consist of people who obtain all of their information from a movie, and instead, consists of people that have taken the time to read and do their own research.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to consists of people that understand if you get a media opportunity, you do not waste it promoting "pet theories", and instead focus on the obvious reasons we are here. Things like the 9/11 Families' unanswered questions. Things like the ridiculousness of the 9/11 Commission. Things like the 9/11 Families' efforts with lawsuits.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to consists of people that understand incorporating controversial causes (Holocaust Revisionism, UFO Study, Moon Landing Research) into our already controversial cause does not help our efforts.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to doesn't single out any particular religion as the culprits behind the 9/11 attacks.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to consists of people that make every effort to contact their local media (either by phone, or by protesting), and their local representatives (either by mail, phone, or protesting). I know now in 2022 that this does very little if nothing, but I suppose it never hurts to try. Believe me, I know the "system" doesn't work.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to is non-violent.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to makes a conscious effort to reach out to 9/11 families, and supports them when they make an effort towards truth, justice, and accountability.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to does everything within its' power to help the sick and dying 9/11 First Responders, and New Yorkers because local and federal officials continue to ignore them.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to is made up of nothing but heroes, and doesn't put any one particular person on a pedastal.

The 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to consists of people that will be successful in changing this world for the better by holding those responsible for the attacks, accountable, and by restoring this country to the fundamentals our forefathers envisioned it to have.

That is the 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to.