Hey! Leave Those Kids Alone
Where Are All of Those Missing Children on Milk
Cartons? In the White House... of course!
By Charlene Fassa

Well, not all of the missing children have been visiting Pennsylvania Avenue. But it's been proven that some of them have, and at least one still is: Johnny D.Gosch (J.D.G.), a.k.a. James D. Guckert (J.D.G.), a.k.a. Jeff D. Gannon (J.D.G.), or so it appears. Johnny Gosch was a 12-year old, Des Moines, Iowa paperboy, who was abducted into an Elite controlled pedophile sex-slave ring in 1982 while delivering newspapers for the Des Moines Register.

".... a paedophile ring which practiced ritual, Satanic abuse and enjoyed covert sanction. Paul Bonacci, himself a child victim to Omaha's Lawrence King of Franklin Credit Union notoriety, testified that he had helped lure Gosch from his paper route. "Evidence links this same porno/paedophile ring to the 80's 'congressional call boy scandal', money laundering, drug running, illegal arms deals and more," (emphasis mine) says The Johnny Gosch Foundation...

Sherman H. Skolnick is the investigator who first publicly connected Gosch as Gannon. Skolnick has since advanced the initial Gannon/Gosch bombshell story with two articles posted at Rense.com: "The Gannon Cannon Parts 1 and 2"

Part 1: http://www.rense.com/general63/gad.htm
Part 2:

[much more, photos, news articles]
