for me, it's the question i will ask myself when the next terrorist attack goes down, and i say "have i done enough?".

when you think about it, we're quite privileged. for perhaps the very rare times in history we are dancing on a knife edge where we can effect MAJOR change, while anticipating major disaster. where our enemy is ready to make his slide to home base, or deliver the knockout punch, but he should realize that when he does that, he risks EVERYTHING.

it's hard to gauge what's going on really. do people quietly acknowledge the truth? perhaps they do, and if the NWO miscalculates, the next terrorist attack will not bring the people running into their arms, but rather a mass insurrection. kinda like a kid who is abused and decides he won't take his old man's knocks anymore, and he just NEEDS to be hit ONCE more before he can kick his dad's ass.

that's where i think things are going. we have the knowledge in our hands, and if we get nuked tomorrow, we have to ask ourselves, "so we were given 5 years grace, what have we done with it?"

your thoughts.