The communication is in reverse order. Read from the bottom up!

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It was real nice of you to write back so soon. Whilst I may have generalized that this is Bush’s doing, I actually mean that Bush is just a puppet for the NWO. This can be traced back to documents years back. Just look at the signatures on that document NWO,PNAC (New Pearl Harbor???)

Yes there are small factions that want to kill Americans. That said… just look at the American foreign policy!!! When Saddam H wanted dialogue our so called president refused. Bush’s dialogue was with guns. The interview with Dan Ruthers and S.Hussain will prove this. No MSM wants to show this interview again!! Bush ran into Iraq in incase public support gained for dialogue! Now Iran wants dialogue (the civil thing to do) and the Whitehouse again refuses to acknowledge this!!! What do they need to do, come kiss Bushes feet for a positive reaction from our dictator?

If Bush was so pro life, and calls it murder in a medical building, why doesn’t he give a damn about killing Iraqi children?

Just look at the war between Israel and Lebanon. What an excuse to bomb and kill civilians for 2 (TWO) prisoners. Is this the way the WESTERN world wants to be viewed? Just WHO are the barbarians?

As far as Clinton is concerned, Joe, I kid you not, you have no idea how deep this rabbit hole goes. Its all the same team, it don’t matter who gets elected, cos they are all run by the higher element (Illuminati). NO ONE can deny its existence now.

Joe, I am a structural Engineer. There is no way those buildings came down from the planes crashing/exploding. Look at the video evidence, you can see the controlled demolitions going off. Check out videos on the net such as Loose Change. Please just put you, your family and your country’s interest first and go and study it with an open mind. Once you been enlightened you will undergo the deepest pain of learning that a man in a cave with a walking stick could not have compromised the greatest SUPERPOWER on Earth on that day, and that America was attacked by the crazies inside the Whitehouse for the hidden agenda. Remember what Hitler did with burning the Reistag?

Bin Laden was a CIA tactician. They needed him to defeat Russia in Afghanistan. USA armed Al-Q’ from 1992 onwards.

I have the proof 911 was an inside job. It can be found all over the net by doing a little homework. I am not clever enough to have ascertained it myself but if you haven’t looked at the proof you should do that right now.

No steel building can collapse in that manner that they did WITHOUT controlled demolition. You don’t have to be a Structural Engineer to feel something didn’t look right. Just look at the video evidence.

If we are hit again, it will be from the inside AGAIN, this will be done to raise public support and give some relief to the flagging pole figures.

Fortunately, America IS waking up very rapidly. The growth of people questioning the official story is unprecedented.

This is WHY I wrote to you. This is why I sent you that email because no one listens to “us” the people who trust science AND God and not what “they” want us to believe. Believe it or not YOU are the people that are empowered, you are the people that make or break a story.

I urge you to just take the time and watch some EVIDENCE that 911 was planned from within.

BTW, the raising and lowering of security alerts is ONLY to keep us in check!!

In a way I would be glad to find out I’m a lunatic, but sadly the scientific facts keep me grounded and keep coming to the conclusion that I am very much rational.

I wish you well Joe, really I do. I just hope that you will look into this further and write something that may upset the status quo.

Check out these links.

With Kindest regards.

-----Original Message-----
From: joe nicastro []
Tuesday, August 29, 20067:26 PM
To: SuzyWest
Subject: Re: URGENT -


I can always can respect other opinions but don't agree with yours at this time maybe only one item. Could 911 have been prevented? Yes if
Clinton would have got rid of Bin Laden when he had the chance. If Clinton would have done something when they attacked the trade center in the early 90's or do you believe that was an inside job as well with Clinton. Bush wasn't even around then.

I am really sorry. I do not blindly follow Bush. I don't; agree with all his policies but what people like you do not understand is that whether 911 happened 5 years ago or in the future there are people that hate us enough to want us dead. That is proven by all the other terrorist attacks going on around the country and Bush did not plan those.
I'm sorry to say that you can do all the research you like there are crazies out there who want me and my family as well as yours dead. We need to do something about that to stop them the best we can.
We will be hit again in this country soon and after Bush leaves office who will you blame then?

What proof do you have? If that were true the Liberal mainstream media would be all over this. The Democrats would be waiving that info like it was a gift for their election. So if it were true how come no one is talking about it? The media and Democrats goals has been to destroy Bush and what better what if you have proof?


On 8/29/06, SuzyWest wrote:


Out of touch? I am more grounded than you think. What I refuse to do is follow Bush blindly. After doing over 1000+hrs of research over the last four years, there is NO DOUBT in my mind that 911 was and can be proven as an inside job. But unfortunately, people such as yourself act as gatekeepers to the truth. You refuse to speak of the truth because your jobs are on the line, and I can understand that. 99% of the MSM is controlled by the faction that created the NWO and eventually created 911 for their political agenda.

Please, pull your head out of the sand and wake up. America is losing everything it stood and fought for.

Without prejudice and with kindest regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: joe nicastro []
Monday, August 28, 20064:56 AM
To: SuzyWest
Subject: Re: URGENT -

Please remove me from your list. You are out of touch with reality and have no clue of what is happening in this world. Maybe you should leave the country and go live in Iraq where there may not be a conspiracies.

On 8/28/06, SuzyWest wrote:

(Sample letter #3)