by that i mean it in it's whole entirety.

for example, i've heard that the plane headed for congress was ordered shot down by a rogue general (hence they didn't have a proper cover story immediately after it happened), and that congress was to be decapitated setting up GWB as supreme generalissimo, with of course his other co-conspirators running the 'continuity of government' program.

in the plan, purportedly, San Francisco and Chicago was also to be attacked. it was supposed to be a total and utter coup for the NWO.

9/11, as spectacular as it was, did not produce the last nail in the coffin. As AJ puts it, this is by the grace of God, and it has given us another 5 years of freedom to PUT A STOP TO THIS MADNESS.

it proves that there are not just loyal people in the government, but ones high enough to do something about it.