Let’s Talk About The Iraq War Occupation

(Gold9472: I am most definitely going to this.)

Scott Ritter
Former UN Chief Weapons Inspector in Iraq

Ray McGovern
27-Year Veteran CIA Analyst under 7 Presidents

Bush says "America will never run." Murtha says "Iraq can not be won 'militarily/" 80+% of Iraqis are strongly opposed to the presence of coalition troops. How can Americans make sense of it alt?

Come ask top experts in national security and intelligence. Former UN Chief Weapons Inspector in Iraq Scott Ritter and 27-year veteran CIA analyst Ray McGovern are coming to answer your questions about how we got into this "contest of atrocities," how the U.S. can end the occupation, and whether the Bush/Cheney administration intends to ever free Iraq from U.S. occupation.

Saturday, July 22, 2006 1:00 PM

Unitarian Society of Germantown
6511 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia. PA 19119 Handicapped Accessible.

$10 donation requested

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