Gold, I think you are a great voice for the movement - very fair.

How about this for an idea - A short to the point single page document putting forth the absolute fairest and logical arguments in the 9/11 Truth movement. Something someone can pick up and immediately be taken in. It has to be clear, simple and to the point. Something that will raise the eyebrows of the most skeptic of American and will not come off as partisian or filled with angst, just an honest plea for consideration. Something politically uniting written with confidence, strength and fair conviction. I think your mindset and experience are perfect for something like this.

I'm willing make copies and drop them off in campuses, stores, resturaunts, newsstands - everywhere and anywhere.

Would you be interesting in helping put something together? I know you are busy but something like this can be a very powerful weapon. I can help with the writing, formatting and final touches. If you don't have time to write it, I would at least be interested in what arguments you would address and in what order.

Everything I've seen so far is too dull, longwinded and would never attract the common American's attention. Its half presentation half content.