Setup of the century

by Abid Ullah Jan
(Tuesday April 25 2006)

"Instead of wasting further time on what is so glaringly obvious, we need to move from the How 9/11 aspect to Why 9/11. Without this shift, we will be running in circles and never reach the conclusions."

By now, the obvious on 9/11 is undeniable. The Official story of 9/11 obviously doesn't hold ground. Everyone with average intelligence can tell that it is impossible for someone sitting in an Afghan cave to plan an operation of this proportion.

The theory of “nineteen Arab fanatics” who executed this plan because “they hate our freedoms” [295] also don’t make any sense. On the other hand we have independent scholars and research of 9/11, who are focusing on the “controlled demolition” and similar scientific aspects to prove that it was an “inside job.” This much is also obvious.

Instead of wasting further time on what is so glaringly obvious, we need to move from the How 9/11 aspect to Why 9/11. Without this shift, we will be running in circles and never reach the conclusions. We have enough information that shows that 9/11 was an inside job. Any evidence that proves the official story wrong also proves that the occupation of Afghanistan was on the cards and the 9/11 operation was staged only to justify dislodging the Taliban.

Although written with a different objective, but Josh Meyer’s story in Los Angeles Times (April 5, 2006) proves the fact that Osama bin Laden was actually set-up for 9/11 with the help of Arab agents (Mohammed Atta and company) who were knowingly or unknowingly working for the real forces which planned 9/11. According to LA Time’ report, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who was closely working with Pakistan’s ISI and the hijackers,* “Osama bin Laden was a meddling boss whose indiscretion and poor judgment threatened to derail the terrorist attacks.”

Actually, the planning centre was in the United States, which was using the Arab patsies, most probably without their knowledge that they would not emerge alive from execution of the plan. Superficial information were shared with Osama only to somehow make him talk about possible attacks in the United States. The objective was to frame him before hand and facilitate war on Afghanistan without great taking great pains.

According to LA Times story: “He [Osama] also saddled Mohammed with at least four would-be hijackers who the ringleader thought were ill-equipped for the job. And he carelessly dropped hints about the imminent attacks, violating Mohammed's cardinal rule against discussing the suicide hijacking plot.”

The persons which Osama was dumping on Atta Mohammed were considered ill-quipped for the job simply because they were not part of the broad plan. It is natural that Osama would introduce some devoted persons for helping Atta Mohammed, when the latter shares his ambitions to plan terrorist attacks in the U.S. however, they become a liability for Atta because Atta’s bosses would not trust anyone who doesn’t belong to them and who are more loyal to Osama than Atta and his bosses.

Sheikh Mohammed’s working more closely with ISI and others than with Osama is evident from this statement in the LA Times report: “[Shaikh] Mohammed stated that he was usually compelled to do whatever Bin Laden wanted with respect to operatives for the September 11 operation,’ the interrogation summary states. ‘That said, [Shaikh] Mohammed noted that he disobeyed Bin Laden on several occasions by taking operatives assigned to him by Bin Laden and using them how he best saw fit.’ His independence from Bin Laden had its limits, however, because it was Al Qaeda's money and operatives that enabled the plot to go forward.”

Where was the money from Al-Qaeda spent? What did the hijackers purchase with it? Obviously not box cutters and knives. These are the questions which remain unanswered. However, what is obvious is that the planning centre was in the United States and Atta was working as a puppet for the real planners in the United States, not Afghanistan. Discussions with Osama and obtaining financial assistance from him was part of the plan to consolidate the frame-up.

To understand the frame-up, we need to go a little back in time. Initially the US administration tried to pin the blame on Osama with its December 13, 2001 video release. The quality of the video was very poor and the authenticity of the tape was questioned right away, which annoyed Bush to the extent that he made the following comment during a brief photo opportunity with the prime minister of Thailand: “It is preposterous for anybody to think that this tape is doctored. That’s just a feeble excuse to provide weak support for an incredibly evil man.”[370] Bush added: “Those who contend it’s a farce or a fake are hoping for the best about an evil man. This is Bin Laden unedited. This is... the Bin Laden who murdered the people. This is a man who sent innocent people to their death.” The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, insisted there was “no doubt it is the real thing.”[371] Such a defense at the most high level further confirmed that the video was specifically produced to cover up the real culprits and pave the way for legitimizing the war to dislodge the Taliban.

Osama’s comments on the November 19 tape, aired by Al Jazeera,[381] caused quite a stir because they contradicted the “confession” video. According to Toby Harnden of the Telegraph, “American officials argued that bin Laden’s frequent references to U.S. support for Israel were a bogus justification for his terrorism because in the ‘dinner party’ tape of a private conversation there was no mention of the Middle East.”[382]

This is very odd indeed because in Osama’s September 28, 2001 denial of involvement in the 9/11 attacks, he had plenty to say about the United States and Israel: "This system is totally in control of the American-Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is clear that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the U.S. is not uttering a single word."[383]

Moreover, Osama’s views have been consistent about the problems caused by Israel since 1998:"We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests, not the interests of the Jews.[384]

Let us assume for a moment that the December 13, 2001 tape is genuine. In that case, the war was launched more than two months before presenting the world with such evidence, which had absolutely nothing to do with the Taliban or their government. There is no mention to the Taliban or their support in planning the attack.

Even if the December 13, 2001 tape is genuine, it only serves to prove that Osama was not the mastermind behind the attacks. It would merely indicate that he had some prior knowledge of it, which does not make him responsible for the attacks. He states (if we accept the tape as stating anything) that he was told about the impending attack five days before it happened.

Although Osama told this writer, during an interview in mid-August 2001 that, “We are about to do something,” his immediate reaction after the 9/11 attacks—that he supports the attack but he did not do it[391]—shows that he was clearly setup. He was told through Arabs, who were knowingly or unknowingly working with the U.S. authorities involved in the 9/11 operation that they were “about to do something.” The objective was to force the loudmouthed Osama into talking about the attacks before time so that implicating him would not be a problem after the planned 9/11 events.

The set-up to implicate Osama seems to span a long period of time because, according to Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Osama made the same statement of “we are about to do something,” to a journalist from a Scandinavian country. That is what prompted Taliban authorities to restrict journalists from taking cameras or other recording devices with them while interviewing Osama because such statements were creating problems for them at a time when they looked forward to international legitimacy.

The set up theory is further supported by the fact that back in 1999, a US national intelligence council report noted that “al-Qaida suicide bombers could crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the CIA, or the White House”.[392] Furthermore, at least 11 countries provided advance warning to the US of the 9/11 attacks. Two senior Mossad experts were sent to Washington in August 2001 to alert the CIA and FBI to a cell of 200 terrorists said to be preparing a big operation.[393] The list they provided included the names of four of the 9/11 hijackers, none of whom was arrested. This is not a sign of incompetence. It only proves that the initial propagation of information was done to set up a trap and convincingly hold Osama and company responsible for the attacks planned by the insiders. Actually those who within the U.S. intelligence community were responsible for receiving and acting on the many foreign warnings received prior to 9-11, were most probably the ones who planted the information about the possible attacks to prepare a mindset for holding Osama responsible for the pre-planned attacks. The proof of this lies in the United States’ government hiding behind the façade of incompetence and the total lack of action before 9/11 and during the period while 9/11 events were unfolding.

Dr. Zawahiri’s sharing information about Osama’s statements (and statements of Osama on the “lucky find” tape, if we assume that the tape is genuine) suggest that Osama came to know about the impending attack days or weeks before it actually happened. It shows, neither Osama nor the Taliban could possibly have been the main organizers. Instead, the relationship between the Taliban and their Arab guests were not as friendly and deep as presented by the Western media. The Taliban had actually confiscated communication equipment from Osama and his fellows, as mentioned earlier. This is further confirmed by Mullah Omar’s statement reported by Reuters on September 19, 2001: "We have told America that we have taken all resources from Osama and he cannot contact the outside world. And we have told America that neither the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan or Osama are involved in the American events. But it is sad that America does not listen to our word." [394]

End Part I