Letters To Leaders



All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is Homeland Security:

Subject: Reopen 9/11 Investigation

To: Sen. Arlen Specter

March 1, 2006


I am a new Resident to PA. I retired from the NYPD in 2001. I was almost killed by the collapse of WTC building 7. I DEMAND, that honest attention be paid to the growing scientific evidence that explosives were used to take down that building. I am not a crazy conspiracy theorist. I am a man who was there, and heard the "explosions" that hundreds of 9/11 survivors and witnesses heard that day as those buildings fell. There are HUNDREDS of eyewitness accounts which warrant attention to this matter. One only need look on the Internet through Google, or any other search engine to find video compilations of actual news reports which show these eyewitnesses saying the same thing. Hundreds of voices can be heard referring to "secondary explosions.

As a former "hero" of 9/11 I also want you to know that I currently need to apply for SSI, because I suffer so severely from Post traumatic Stress Disorder that I have been unable to hold a job since I left the NYPD in 2001. I vested out of that job after almost losing my life, and was allowed to without any care for my mental state. In fact sir indeed only 4 months after I left was there finally any counseling services available for first responders. Although my body bears no scars, my mind is scarred for life, and I now live in a Trailer in Dalton below the poverty level.

When I register to vote, if you want mine, I respectfully ask that you lend your voice to this issue. I understand how busy you are, especially with National Security issues. If there is truth to be exposed here about some kind of cover up by business or government, it will have far reaching implications that will effect the very fabric of American society as we know it. I for one will not stop bringing attention to this issue, until the truth is known.

Any assistance you can lend would be greatly appreciated.

Dalton , PA