Americans tortured me - Saddam

(Gold9472: Normally, I would say, "No Way", but well, ya know...)


Saddam Hussein has been beaten and tortured by the Americans, he has alleged at his trial in Baghdad.

"I have been beaten on every place of my body, and the signs are all over my body," he told the court.

Christopher Reid of the US Embassy in Baghdad rejected the allegation, telling CNN it was "absolutely bogus".

Saddam Hussein is on trial over the killing of 148 people in the Iraqi Shia village of Dujail in 1982. He denies responsibility for the deaths.

The prosecution ridiculed his claim of torture, saying the former Iraqi leader was being held in an air-conditioned room when some of Baghdad had no power.

Saddam Hussein had spent much of the day listening quietly as two witnesses testified against him and seven associates.

They said Saddam Hussein's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti - a former intelligence chief who is also on trial - had been present when they were tortured.

Also on Wednesday
The US military announced a soldier had been killed by a roadside bomb on Monday.

The Iraqi electoral commission said turnout was about 70% in last week's parliamentary elections.

Iraq's former leader had boycotted the proceedings the last time the court convened, calling the court "unjust".

The ousted president is expected to face further charges relating to his tenure as Iraqi leader.

The case may continue on Thursday, but is then expected to be adjourned until mid-January to allow for the results of Iraq's election and the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.

Saddam Hussein could be hanged if found guilty.