Quote Originally Posted by artisan7
With the Steven Jones story and Able Danger story brewing up a storm, on top of Plamegate and overall official lies which led us into the Iraq war, we may be very close to a tipping point. Now our task should be to press the media and anti-war groups to finally open their eyes and see the obvious - our government was complicit in 9/11. We should also be providing a message of why we must charge this administration for treason, why government must be restored to functionality and restored to complying with the Constitution. We must convey that getting justice for 9/11 is the most powerful way of getting to the root cause of the imperial insanity we've been subjected to. Also, we must present a positive vision of what can come out of the transformation that will result by the truth of 9/11 being exposed.
I agree with you completely... people need to understand that once 9/11 truth is revealed, and those responsible are held accountable... how could the Government deny us anything as a unified people? Environmental Safeguards, alternative fuels, Social Security, Lower Taxes, less spending on defense, and more towards Education, medicinal marijuana for the people who need it, etc...

The analogy I like to use is from "Goodfellas"... it's kind of blunt, but you get the idea...

"Environmental Safeguards? Fuck you, pay me..."
"Alternative Fuels? Fuck you, pay me..."

And so on...