Protestors "shame" Bush over Katrina response

1 hour, 40 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Around 150 people, including a handful of evacuees from Hurricane Katrina, protested outside the White House, accusing President George W. Bush of letting down the victims of the disaster.

"I want to know what the government is gonna do now ... I'm very angry," said Michelle Augillard, a student who fled her native New Orleans before Katrina hit.

With the US flag flying at half mast over the White House out of respect for the hurricane victims, the protestors chanted "Impeach Bush" and held up blue and yellow banners reading: "Shame" and "Help the Hurricane Victims."

The demonstration was organised by the liberal activist group,

Bush and his administration have come under intense criticism over the past week for what was seen as the sluggish federal response to Katrina, which is feared to have left thousands dead across the US Gulf coast.

"There was no response from the federal government," said Iona Renfroe, who was evacuated from New Orleans on Wednesday.

In a televised address Thursday, Bush declared September 16 a national day of prayer for Katrina's victims and announced efforts to help the survivors, especially the hundreds of thousands left homeless.